Maru, for your crimes against the planet Krypton, we sentence you to be banished to the Phantom Zone, which is a clear two-dimensional square thing that looked really cutting edge in 1980’s Superman II but now just looks kind of cheesy.
Found by Alice Shortcake and Andrew Y. (reference video for the young’uns.)
Yay for a Maru-filled weekend! >:3
Looks like he’s still honing his somersault skills!
This is ridiculously cute! Maru has so many odd and adorable habits!
I swear that tail has a mind of its own.
This really needs that kind of philosophical Henri the Cat commentary.
Maru doing somersaults never gets old! But, how does he get out?? Shoehorn? Vacuum?
Hana wielding a plunger?
I imagine the box being turned upside and tapped firmly, resulting in Maru being ejected with an audible “plop”.
Loaf shaped brick.
Something like the canned cranberry goo you have at Thanksgiving where you have to poke a hole in the bottom and shake while it makes strange whistling noises.
Kneel before Maru!
And no one mentions the inappropriate sniff by Hana? I guess she said “Snff, snff, yep that’s Maru.”
The accompanying tail drumming turned this into a true performance piece. Maru looked like a swirled chocolate/plain cheesecake to me.
or a partially shaken etch a sketch!
“Am I comfortable yet?” I love seeing Maru from every angle – yes, even “THAT” one – in the clear plastic box, It’s like seeing Houdini exposed.
Reminds me of this Penn & Teller bit.