Not Responsible for Accidents!

Hey, watch your step! Can’t you read? It says “Not Responsible for Accidents”! That means if you step on a rake and knock yourself in the face, we’re not responsible! Or if you were to trip and fall headfirst into a pile of horse manure, we’re not responsible! Or if you get your head stuck in a fence because you were too busy yelling at somebody about how we’re not responsible for accidents, we’re… um…

Actually, if you could give me a little help here, that would be nice.

(sigh) Get the crowbar, Sharon H.

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4 thoughts on “Not Responsible for Accidents!

  1. Luv Bunny February 6, 2018 / 8:08 am

    In other words, donโ€™t be a jackass . Such cuties, though Iโ€™d be tempted to risk it, so I could pet them.

  2. Gigi The cat lady February 6, 2018 / 9:42 am

    I’ve been on the receiving end of those teeth and they hurt!
    Well actually it was a pony not an donkey that bit me on the hip when I was a kid but from the look of those teeth I’m guessing it would feel the same.
    I didn’t blame the pony, poor thing was scared but it thought me to respect those teeth.

  3. Kar February 6, 2018 / 10:04 am

    I guess these guys never heard of flossing.

    • Amy February 6, 2018 / 1:39 pm

      It doesn’t float their boat ;P

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