Backseat Driving Instructor

“It’s easy, kid. I see ’em do it all the time. That big pedal on the floor, you push that with your foot to go forward, and then you turn the round thing to go left and right. See? You’re a natural! Who needs those boring old grownups, am I right? I’m gonna catch a nap in your seat. Wake me up when we get to the dog park.”

This is a brilliant plan and nothing can go wrong. (Imgur)
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4 thoughts on “Backseat Driving Instructor

  1. Blue Footed Booby May 31, 2018 / 8:51 am

    A wrinkle-chinned baby with big, stompy feet!

    • allein ? May 31, 2018 / 8:56 am

      Something tells me he won’t fit in that seat for long…

  2. Faye May 31, 2018 / 9:32 am

    I’ve fallen asleep. And I can’t get up!

    Definition of “out like a light”.

  3. Gigi The cat lady May 31, 2018 / 10:46 am

    I love blue dogs, I went shopping yesterday and saw a 9 month old blue pit bull in front of the store with his human even though they are banned in my town ? .

    Of course I had to stop and say hello and get me some doggy kisses.
    Such a sweet doggy, I think that if he had waged his tail any harder he would had dislocated something LOL!

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