In this video, the famous Maru will demonstrate a new athletic skill he invented himself. Called “claustrobatics,” the new sport tests the athlete’s ability to perform complex maneuvers within a confined space. It’s like a floor routine in a box, perfect for smaller venues, and Maru hopes to introduce it as an exhibition event at the next Olympics.
Floor judges Julia A. and Andrew Y. give it a 9.7!
If that doesn’t make you laugh, you might want to check to be sure you have a pulse. This could be my favoritest Maru video yet. That boy definitely makes the internet a better place.
I for one would like to petition the International Olympic Committee to hold this event at The Container Store near me.
Definitely. I think Maru needs an advertising gig with them.
Gotta love Hana watching from the big box in the background.
I wonder what goes through his mind when he does these things. That wink at the end is telling us something, isn’t it?
‘Claustrobatics’ indeed! This is my favorite Maru video in ages.
I love that cat! A great Maru video! I think he was inspired by the plastic’s slipperiness.
Wow… does he even have bones? Yup, cats ARE a liquid. Or at least oobleck.
I think we might as well round that 9.7 to a 10 >:3
Belongs in the Purrolympics.
This may be the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. If I were still teaching and starting class with funny animal videos, I would put this one in heavy rotation. Students would fall out of their seats laughing.
Mari is so clever. He figured out how to get into that thing so his butt would wind up sticking out allowing for maximum tail thwapping.
Hana: “I can’t even look anymore, just let me know when it’s over.”
The rest of him looks so placid but the tail gives him away.