Links: What a Little Pr… etty Animal

And finally: A Cut Above

I suspect some sleight of hand behind this dancing doggie, but it’s still shear brilliance. (via Mila B.)

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15 thoughts on “Links: What a Little Pr… etty Animal

  1. allein ? July 13, 2018 / 8:35 am

    Porcupines with prehensile tails? The things you learn here…

    Goth birdie is so pretty 🙂

      • allein ? July 13, 2018 / 9:00 am


        • Murray C. July 13, 2018 / 2:13 pm

          Oh, yeah! How darned adorable are those babies – and so colorful. Human babies are so – monochrome. But then again, so is Goth gf. Oh, well, another theory shot to hell.

          • allein ? July 13, 2018 / 2:18 pm

            She does have a lovely pink beak, though.

            Is grayscale a color they normally might come in or is there some genetic thing going on (like with albinos) that makes her that way? Other than white, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a non-colorful member of the parrot family.

            • Ricky's Mom July 13, 2018 / 2:36 pm

              According to the hoomin mom:

              “Siouxsie the mom is a dilute blue which means she carries blue genes but her particular color shows up more gray. The gray is a recessive gene that only shows up with specific pairings.”

      • Blue Footed Booby July 13, 2018 / 9:11 am

        I love that people are creating fanart

        • allein ? July 13, 2018 / 9:16 am

          That’s awesome. 🙂

      • dubravkamcvmd July 13, 2018 / 9:17 am

        Oh those babies are so beautiful! I love the blue color that somehow got introduced into the feather ensembles.

        • debg July 13, 2018 / 3:41 pm

          Gorgeous birdies.

  2. Andrew July 13, 2018 / 8:45 am

    Hehehe such a happy dancing doggie

    • debg July 13, 2018 / 3:41 pm

      Seriously. I don’t think puppers needed any encouragement to dance. They know they’re cute.

  3. fkaWaldenPond July 13, 2018 / 9:14 am

    I love this site. Morning all!!!! TGIF!!!

  4. Faye July 13, 2018 / 11:04 am

    Goth Birdie and babies omg!
    Dog zoomies are fantastic.

  5. sugitomo July 14, 2018 / 3:54 pm

    That is one sassy pomeranian.

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