Links: Hold the Extra Crispy

And finally: Who’s Ready for Walkies?

Straight into the collar, don’t even have to holler. (via Elizabeth G.)

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19 thoughts on “Links: Hold the Extra Crispy

  1. 6rabbits August 13, 2018 / 8:54 am

    ? For anyone else who isn’t computer savy and has trouble linking to other pages from here, there’s a solution! When the link sends you to the page look in the address bar. If there are 3 lines of diminishing size at the left that means “reader view” is available. Click on those bars and you get a page with article and pictures with NO ADS or other nonsense! I was able to go to all the links on this post immediately, instead of being jerked around with problems loading the site. Wish someone had explained this to me long ago!?

    • Not That Mike The Other Mike August 13, 2018 / 9:28 am

      Cool! What brand of browser are you using? (Not all browsers offer this function; I know that Safari does.)

      Another way to view the text of articles without distracting elements is a system called Pocket ( that allows you to save articles and read them later, either in “web view” or “article view” (just the text).

      • 6rabbits August 13, 2018 / 5:47 pm

        I use Safari on my ipad, which is normally where I check out this site. Thanks for the other tips!?

  2. Beth August 13, 2018 / 9:28 am

    97.3% of the population can look at every single one of those links without being traumatized, many without even blinking.

    I’m in the other 2.7%, and several of the blurbs, all on their own, were too much. Happy endings can’t negate the original pain, terror, horror, for me. The curse of a vivid imagination.

    Nothing against the majority, their more measured responses, and certainly nothing against you, Mike. It just works out that way for me, sometimes.

    (Did you know that 73.6% of statistics are made up? Nonetheless, that 2.7% is how I feel.)

    • Beth August 13, 2018 / 9:40 am

      Just want to add, I’m fragile and prone to flight, when it comes to animals in jeopardy, even after the jeopardy is resolved. I can recognize the good, and the heroes, and all that, while also realizing it just isn’t good for me to read / see.

      I am in no way implying this is the proper, ideal, or even preferred response!

      Youse guys / all y’all do you. <3

      • Not That Mike The Other Mike August 13, 2018 / 10:35 am

        Hello, I am grateful for this feedback from both of you. I don’t think it will be any hardship to me to avoid the kinds of stories you’re describing, so I will try to be more mindful.

        • Arne August 13, 2018 / 2:08 pm

          So no more rescue stories?

  3. fkaWaldenPond August 13, 2018 / 9:29 am

    That ex-marine is a hunk. Morning all! Bah to Mondays but these links are helping me turn my frown upside down. 🙂

    • Murray C August 13, 2018 / 11:35 am

      Don’t you love how gently he strokes that eensy little creature? Such a tender person.

      I do wish there’d been further information on that poor piggy’s pregnancy! She looks ready to burst! I’ve never even been pregnant but I’m feeling very empathic. I have been bloated, does that count?????

        • allein ? August 13, 2018 / 11:53 am



        • Murray C August 13, 2018 / 12:09 pm

          THANK you, Andrew – I feel so much better.

        • Amy August 13, 2018 / 1:00 pm

          That pic was taken the day after they were born??? How big were they one day earlier? 0_o

          • 6rabbits August 13, 2018 / 5:56 pm

            GP are born ready to rock and roll–eyes and ears open, fully furred and able to eat reg food while nursing (in the first week only). They are ready to leave home at 4 wks!!

            • Faye August 14, 2018 / 5:21 am

              I had baby Peegs born. Five. They come out and are up and running. Unforgettable! Cutest, most fuzzy babies lined up chomping on one long celery stalk.

  4. allein ? August 13, 2018 / 9:39 am

    Little yawning Jubilee made my day.

    Also the dollar bill for scale. Tiny kitty!!

  5. Dana August 13, 2018 / 10:06 am

    OMG that pregnant peeg!

    • Kar August 13, 2018 / 11:55 pm

      Poor thing.

      I just hope daddy wasn’t a capybara.

  6. debg August 13, 2018 / 9:37 pm

    Tiny Jubilee and so-smart shiba puppers for the win!

    Peeg, I feel you. I really do.

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