“… and so then the first velociraptor (chuckle) says to the second velociraptor (pfft, snort) he says, ‘Well, if that’s a triceratops,’ (heh, wait for it) ‘I’d hate to see the tricerabottoms!’ (hee hee hee) Get it? Tricerabottoms! (chortle, snicker)”
Was that funny, Sharon H.? You bet Jurassic was.
“You bet Jurassic was.”
I have a Tea Rex tea infuser on the wall of my cubicle. His chain is attached to the side of the bulletin board with a pin, so he doesn’t hurt anyone (okay, it’s because he can’t stand up on his feet so if I keep the chain taut it holds him up) but people have a tendency to knock him over, so last week I added a Beware of Dinosaur sign. Which got knocked off this morning.
Top marks for the hover!
Bloody mammals – no sense of humour…
NOMTOM, some impressive punnage!
Agreed. By the way what the hell IS that!????
“Phylum? I hardly knew him!”
There was another dinosaur, but I forget his name… let me check the Thesaurus…