15 thoughts on “Mud? What Mud?

  1. Kar August 21, 2018 / 10:41 am

    Well now i’m going to have that Primus song in my head all morning.

  2. Alice Shortcake August 21, 2018 / 11:24 am

    “It also depends how you define ‘in’, ‘the’, and ‘mud’.*

    *Bill Clinton voice

    • Faye August 21, 2018 / 2:05 pm

      The truth is not always the truth if you get down in the mud with someone people. Doggies always tell the truth.

      • Smartypants August 21, 2018 / 7:16 pm

        “Truth isn’t truth” – Rudy Giuliani.

  3. allein ? August 21, 2018 / 11:27 am

    I was not playing. It was very serious business.

  4. AJ August 21, 2018 / 12:06 pm

    Reminds me of a chocolate dipped shortbread cookie, mmmm … now, I’m hungry.

  5. Amy August 21, 2018 / 1:30 pm

    That is clearly a pug dog. Just sayin’. ;P

    • Faye August 21, 2018 / 2:07 pm

      Trying out Pug costume for Halloween.

  6. MurrayC August 21, 2018 / 6:27 pm

    “Mud, mud, glorious mud – Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood….”

    • Smartypants August 21, 2018 / 7:17 pm

      Swann & Flanders! My parents had their records.

      • MurrayC August 21, 2018 / 9:37 pm

        ? You got it!

  7. Ricky's Mom August 21, 2018 / 6:55 pm

    Someone dunked this little puppy in their morning coffee!

  8. JenDeyan August 21, 2018 / 8:07 pm

    Of course the pup with the white fur had to find the blackest mud.

    • allein ? August 21, 2018 / 8:11 pm

      But if he had black fur his human might not notice the mud until he tracked it into the house.

      • JenDeyan August 22, 2018 / 8:19 am

        If he had black fur, he would have found some flour to roll in.

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