63 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. AJ October 6, 2018 / 8:43 am

    Ooooh, what an beautiful kitty and an adorable pose. I wish I was like her and still snoozing. But the #*!*#*!!*** dogs next door started their barking at 4:30 this morning. Usually I can’t hear them but I did this morning. I feel bad for them left out in the yard most of the time. Another neighbor lives right behind them and gets the brunt of it. They’ve already tried talking to the renters (all college kids) and been blown off so a complaint has been registered with the city. We’ll see what happens.

    And my adorbs kitties have gone back to the shelter for their spay/neuter then out to the adoption floor. Slightly sad but also glad to get my house back for a little while before deciding who to foster next. My job was to get them fat, sassy, and socialized. I think I succeded, both kittens doubled their weight in about 3 weeks and mom put on some weight too.

    My weekend consists of going out to breakfast today with some friends and then checking out two retirement places for our other friend we go see every two weeks. Then it’s time to go Halloween decoration shopping! And spookifying the house. Hubby has ambitious plans this year – kid-friendly out front and a haunted graveyard in back with lots of scares for the older kids. Should be fun!

    Happy weekend everyone!

    • fkaWaldenPond October 6, 2018 / 5:40 pm

      Ugghh, I was wakened last night/ morning too at around 3:30 am. It sounded like a blended family of raccoons and bears moved into the unit above me. Crashing, banging, scraping of chairs-no human voices just sounded like trash bins being knocked over along with things being broken. I am thinking probably very inebriated, just got home from the clubs.

      • N. Fritz October 7, 2018 / 3:36 am

        FKAWalden, I feel your pain! I used to live under a couple who had very little furniture and insisted on walking around their hardwood floors in hard-soled shoes. They were nicknamed Thumper and Screamer because of their nighttime activities, which on more than one occasion resulted in the bed crashing to the floor above my head.

        Talk to your neighbors about how sound travels and suggest they put in area rugs.

  2. Dubravkamcvmd October 6, 2018 / 9:06 am

    What an adorable, comfortable, happy kitteh!

  3. N. Fritz October 6, 2018 / 9:38 am

    Enjoying my first long weekend this school year. Have got a lot of garden and household chores done. I even hit an estate sale and got two lovely nightstands to replace the barstool and breakfast tray I’ve been using for the past five years!)

    Starting a new approach to food as well, since I’ve been diagnosed with high cholesterol and high triglycerides. Going to try a modified Hildegard von Bingen diet: lots of spelt, fennel, pumpkin, pears and spices most people don’t have in their pantry (galangal, hyssop, bertram, Breckland thyme).

    Happy Caturday everybody!!!

    • debg October 6, 2018 / 10:12 am

      N. Fritz, Hildegard is one of my heroes, musically and for her writing. Good luck with that diet.

      • N. Fritz October 6, 2018 / 10:17 am

        Thanks, DebG! Hildegard is fascinating, one of those “if you could have dinner with anyone past or present…” personalities!

  4. Tara October 6, 2018 / 9:53 am

    Oh my gosh! That expression is sheer bliss!

    Very happy to have a three day weekend here too. I’m knitting a shark for my nephew that is turning out so well. But I did have to back up because I forgot a crucial bit for the side fins. Ah well, just have to watch a few more episodes of Call the Midwife. What a tragedy.

    Hoping you all are having a fabulous weekend and especially to our Canadian Friends, Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

  5. debg October 6, 2018 / 10:16 am

    Happy Caturday, everyone! I love this week’s posterkit: such a sweet little face. Gingers give the best cuddles. (Don’t tell my non-gingers that I said so.)

    This weekend, I’m destructing the last wall of my bathroom and getting backerboard screws out of the floor. If all goes well, I might be able to put up ONE PANEL of drywall!! Stop the party now–having too much fun! There’s also cooking, knitting, and errands. I’m finally blocking 5 sweaters that have been sitting in a bag for months, waiting for this final step so they can go out in public.

    Happy Thanksgiving to friends in the Great White North.

    • dubravkamcvmd October 6, 2018 / 11:48 am

      You are a real dynamo!

  6. MurrayC October 6, 2018 / 10:19 am

    I love that puss! I think he’s a romantic.

    I thought it was Sunday and that I’d missed hearing everyone’s comments! Little did I know I’m pretty much on time. Going to a party tonight, housework and bunny food shopping today. There’s a musical festival a half a block away which I’m trying to avoid. Sorry, folks, for the most part I’m just not a modern music fan and amateurs playing modern music is something I like to avoid.

    Had a lovely day yesterday visiting a garden called “Chanticleer” – seeing things in their denouement is almost as interesting as seeing them in their fulsomeness. I had never seen okra growing before – it’s in the hibiscus family and the blossoms are gorgeous and the plants are over 6′ tall!

    Missed my chance to get the calendar at the reduced rate – oh, well, I’ll get it at some point. It looks good, Mike.

  7. Sowmya October 6, 2018 / 10:41 am

    The hardest weekend in 14 years – my brave cat Dmitri Purrshkavich passed away Friday night. The end was quick and seemed painless… but MAN, cancer sucks. It’s just a very sad, empty feeling in a sad, empty house. Will need time to process it all, and Cutetropolis is helping me and my husband Doug heal. Thanks for having this site.

    • N. Fritz October 6, 2018 / 10:48 am

      Oh no, Sowmya! Such sad and unexpected news. Dmitri is a stunning cat in your photo and I’m sure in your memories. Sending you virtual hugs!

    • debg October 6, 2018 / 10:50 am

      I’m so sorry. Hugs to you and your family. Dmitri was simply gorgeous and you honor your lovely furbaby with your grief.

    • Jan B. October 6, 2018 / 10:51 am

      So sorry for your loss 🙁

    • Duckie ? October 6, 2018 / 11:19 am

      Sending you gentle feathered hugs, Sowmya.

    • Tara October 6, 2018 / 11:34 am

      Oh Sowmya such sad news. Sending lots of hugs your way. xo

    • dubravkamcvmd October 6, 2018 / 11:52 am

      I’m so sorry! He was gorgeous. From the picture it looks like he had a lot of personality. He’s still alive in your heart.

    • fkaWaldenPond October 6, 2018 / 1:06 pm

      Oh no! I am so sorry Sowmya– he was so handsome. Ughh, what awful feelings with grief. Hang in there.

    • Not That Mike The Other Mike October 6, 2018 / 3:00 pm

      I’m so sad for your loss, Sowmya. Dimitri looked like a proud, handsome cat. I’m glad we can be here to support you and your husband as you deal with your grief.

    • Faye October 6, 2018 / 3:31 pm

      Gorgeous kitty. So sad for you. ?

    • AJ October 6, 2018 / 8:01 pm

      So sorry to hear. It’s always tough, knowing what we need to do for them but at the same time not wanting them to go. And Dimitri was a beautiful kitty. Keep the good memories in mind and try not to dwell on the bad times.

      • Amyliz October 6, 2018 / 8:16 pm

        So sorry for your loss! Dmitri was so handsome. Glad the end, if had to come, was quick. I’m sure you will cherish his memory always.

    • jlamusings October 7, 2018 / 8:38 am

      Sowmya, I’m so sorry. Dmitri was a very handsome boy. 🙁 Sending prayers and purrs from my 2 fuzzy guys-

      • Alice Shortcake October 7, 2018 / 2:20 pm

        What a gorgeous cat he was. Virtual hugs coming your way.

    • 6puppers October 7, 2018 / 7:09 pm

      I’m so sorry for the loss you’re feeling Sowmya. He’s beautiful! It’s especially hard when cancer takes them early.

    • MurrayC October 8, 2018 / 10:31 am

      Ouch! That’s so sad and I ache for you, Sowmya. Gorgeous puss.

  8. Jan B. October 6, 2018 / 11:06 am

    Lily dreams of a job with the Department of Planetary Maintenance. Here she demonstrates her skill and artistic flair during a recent Gravitational Anomaly by pinning me to the couch by my knees. She prefers her salary to be paid in tuna, but benefits and pension plan are negotiable!

    • dubravkamcvmd October 6, 2018 / 11:54 am

      This picture is all she needs as a resume.

    • Faye October 6, 2018 / 3:32 pm

      Looks like Lily has attained Managerial Level skills.

      • Jan B. October 6, 2018 / 4:49 pm

        You’re absolutely correct; she’s great at supervising me! And the squirrels and birds out in the yard, and all her little moussie toys, and her new feather wand, and….

        • Faye October 6, 2018 / 8:15 pm


    • MurrayC October 8, 2018 / 10:34 am

      While our cat won’t sleep anywhere near us, she does sleep in this posture, half hanging of of the surface of her “plinth” – an upholstered box I made years ago which she eschewed for ages but has finally come to terms with. It’s next to our bed and I put a covered box nest to it to help her climb but even that’s getting a bit hard for her, poor thing.

      Lily is so darned cute!

  9. allein ? October 6, 2018 / 2:25 pm

    Rise and…shine? I don’t understand the concept.

    Just put in some laundry and fixed some hot chocolate. Gotta do dishes I’ve been putting off. Tomorrow I’m going to my friend’s and she is making me pasta with meatballs for dinner and brownies for dessert for my birthday.

    I didn’t get around to ordering my calendar, either, so I will wait until Mike announces another discount. Probably just as well to order it closer to the end of the year.

    Rest in peace, Dmitri Purrshkavich. ?

    • Not That Mike The Other Mike October 6, 2018 / 3:02 pm

      Happy birthday! That sounds like the perfect birthday dinner… or any day dinner, really. Your calendar strategy is smart, and I for certain will post coupon codes as soon as I see them.

      • allein ? October 6, 2018 / 3:26 pm

        Thanks. My birthday was Monday but if y’all wanna drag it out for a week I’m okay with that

        If I order my calendar now, I’ll have to find a place to keep it…and I’ll have to read it…

        • Duckie ? October 6, 2018 / 3:45 pm

          Send it to me, Allein. I’ll keep it safe.

      • MurrayC October 8, 2018 / 10:35 am

        Oh, goodie, as long as it doesn’t affect what remuneration you get, Mike!

  10. Faye October 6, 2018 / 3:36 pm

    Today was filled with chores. Boring chores on a cloudy day. Blah.

    However, a positive week to look forward to that includes 3 days of painting class. So no complaints from me.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

  11. jlamusings October 7, 2018 / 8:52 am

    Just checking in after my post earlier this week- I have a crazy week ahead of me because my mom passed away peacefully Saturday morning. It’s been a long journey watching Alzheimer’s slowly take her. She also was a huge animal lover, so we always had pets growing up (dogs, rabbit, cats, hamsters, pigeon, rescued dogs and mice, etc). 🙂

    It’s now a whirlwind of phone calls and trying to figure out when I can go empty her room at the facility and talking to her financial advisor and funeral planning (pre-planned & paid most of it last year thankfully). A dear friend I’ve known most of my life (who also owns a menagerie of animals) came in town to help- so grateful! This is almost as overwhelming as trying to work then drive up to sit my mom this past week & half as she went. Did you all know that our local paper wants $800 for a one-day obit? WHAT? At least the funeral home will put the online version on their site for free. I’m hanging in there, but it’ll still be a long, slow realization that mom’s not around any more.

    I’ve been checking Cutetropolis posts each day to smile and be thankful for a kind place on the Internet, and my weakness for marmies was not disappointed today. 🙂 My 2 spoiled cats feel somewhat neglected, so I’m staying home to clean, rest, and snuggle poor kitties today before insanity kicks in again tomorrow. Ugh. And I have papers to grade this week even though I cancelled a couple days of class. They’re either all getting As or Fs, depending on my mood! (joking- of course I’ll actually read them- nice distraction)

    • dubravkamcvmd October 7, 2018 / 9:22 am

      I’m sorry for your loss. I have some personal understanding of some of what you have gone through taking care of your mother. My mother died in April 2016. She had dementia. We were able to keep her at home with aides for her last eight years.

      I think you’ll find it’s a bigger deal than you expected. I belonged to a care giver support group for most of that time and almost all of the women were also taking care of their mothers. The mothers are all gone now but we became friends and get together regularly. We’re all actually surprised by how much our mothers were/are part of us, and how often we think of them. We’ve come to believe that mammalian biological wiring maybe has a good deal to do with it. The experience of caring for them also has a lot of impact.

      Be kind to yourself.

    • allein ? October 7, 2018 / 11:26 am

      I’m so sorry! Take care of yourself. ❤

    • Sowmya October 7, 2018 / 11:48 am

      Hugs and support from Dmitri’s family to yours!

    • jlamusings October 7, 2018 / 2:13 pm

      thank you all! I’m doing my best to get stuff done and take care of myself too.

    • Tara October 7, 2018 / 2:17 pm

      JLA I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. My mother died 21 years ago and it gets easier, but it takes time. I’m glad you have a good friend and kitties for help, love and support. And of course you always have us. Sending lots of hugs and peace to you. xoxo

    • Not That Mike The Other Mike October 7, 2018 / 3:07 pm

      JLA, so sorry for all you’re going through. I had to handle my mom’s affairs when she passed, and I didn’t even have kitties to cuddle for comfort. Hold your loved ones close and you’ll get through it.

    • N. Fritz October 7, 2018 / 4:05 pm

      My condolences, JLA. Good to keep your sense of humor close to the surface at times like this!

    • fkaWaldenPond October 7, 2018 / 9:31 pm

      Jla, I am so sorry. My mom passed away 24 years ago and am still familiar with the range and depth of emotions. Lighting a mental candle.

    • AJ October 8, 2018 / 9:38 am

      So sorry about your Mom. I looks like most of us have been down that same road. I actually lost my mom 1 year ago on Oct 19 and we’re still finalizing her estate. Like you, I found the newspaper wanted to charge an outrageous amount for wanting to run her obit. I remember when a basic one was free that listed the main facts but if you wanted something fancier that went into several paragraphs then you’d pay. We put her obit into a local community paper that did it for either free or less than $100. Maybe look and see if there’s one available for you.

      And yes it’s hard realizing she’s not here anymore. There’s been a few times I think I’d love to talk to her and tell her something and then get sad that I can’t. It’s okay to be sad but just remember she’s now at peace, she’s past all the confusion and uncertainty and anxiousness that Alzheimer can bring. Adding my hugs and positive thoughts to the ones already sent. Be kind and gentle to yourself as you go through this.

    • MurrayC October 8, 2018 / 10:38 am

      JLAmusings, I’m so sorry for your loss – it’s a tough time. when I went through all of this the activity helped keep my mind off of the worst – having to concentrate on so much, staying ridiculously busy is actually helpful especially during those first days. Wishing you grace and strength.

  12. Alice Shortcake October 7, 2018 / 2:40 pm

    My sympathies and more virtual hugs, JLA.

    A quiet weekend for me, but I came across some amusing sayings by William St Julien Arabin, an early 19th century London barrister:

    “A man with a cold is not fit to try on a lady’s shoe.”
    “Woman, how can you be so stupid? You are tall enough to be wise enough.”
    “No man is fit to be a cheesemonger who cannot guess the length of a street.”
    “She goes into a shop and looks at several things, and purchases nothing. That always indicates some guilt.”

    Oh, and thanks to my habit of putting library books on my bookshelves and forgetting all about them, I was dismayed to find that I’d accumulated a fine of £15.50!

    • allein ? October 7, 2018 / 3:10 pm

      I just have a habit of checking out more books than I can read, or getting distracted by other things, and running out of renewals before I’m done with them. I supposed I could have tried returning it and checking it out again (I doubt anyone is waiting for it), but it was due Friday and I can’t get there before they close. I may as well just finish this week it and pay the fine, right?

    • MurrayC October 8, 2018 / 10:40 am

      Those are GREAT! I want to just follow you around to all your haunts as you dredge up these gems!

  13. allein ? October 7, 2018 / 3:25 pm

    Does anyone have progressive lenses? How long did it take you to get used to them?

    I picked up my new glasses Friday, and started wearing them yesterday. (I walked around the mall for a little bit with them on but I wasn’t comfortable driving home, and the optician suggested waiting until I woke up the next day when my eyes were rested). I keep looking around and moving my head and saying to myself, “is that clear? is that? Hey, I can read that!, does that look right? Am I looking through the right part of the lens?…”

    Laying in bed and reading a book was a little weird; I think that’s mostly due to the angle of my head and the book. Might just have to sit up more. Computer screen is throwing me off slightly. I had a headache but I couldn’t tell if that was just a headache or because of the glasses (I think it was at least partly sinuses because I was all stuffy when I woke up). Also kept finding myself trying to look below the frames, which I can’t actually do with these, but I was often doing with my old glasses because I couldn’t read close up with them on (my old frames didn’t have a bottom rim so it was easier to do that).

    These are my new frames:

    They looked a little weird at first since I’m so used to only having half-rims and the top was much thinner, but the more I look in the mirror the more I like them.

    Going out in a little bit; will have to test out the sunglasses (which are single vision so they should be okay).

    • Boo's Mom October 7, 2018 / 8:00 pm

      When you stop thinking about them, your eyes and brain will just naturally adjust. Hard to ignore them at first, I know, but go on with your life and let your brain adjust.

      • allein ? October 7, 2018 / 10:01 pm

        I’m trying to ignore them. My eyes are a little strained after driving home but overall they haven’t been too bad.

        Not too sure about the sunglass frames, though. We’ll see.

    • fkaWaldenPond October 7, 2018 / 10:10 pm

      I love both frames Allein, sorry about vision adjustment. (ughhg down at my Dad’s and he has this awful wonky keyboard.)

      • allein ? October 7, 2018 / 10:49 pm

        I wore the sunglasses on my way to my friend’s and they bugged me a lot (the frames, not the prescription). I feel like maybe they’re too big.

        Was just looking around their site and found these, which I like the look of…the store I got mine at doesn’t have them but the one near where I work might. Maybe I’ll stop in and see if I can try them on.

    • AJ October 8, 2018 / 9:29 am

      I tried a couple times and couldn’t adjust to the progressive lenses. For me, it was always like I was looking into a fishbowl so I just went back to bi-focals. Good luck and hopefully, after a few days your eyes and brain will sync up. All the frames are nice so go with what makes you most comfortable.

      • MurrayC October 8, 2018 / 10:45 am

        I had the same experience – I wore the progressives for about 2 years and never liked them. Part of the problem for me is that my eyesight is pretty poor and my glasses lenses were big top to bottom. There are places in progressive lenses along the sides with no prescription at all and I had trouble backing my car out because suddenly I couldn’t see very well since, in turning one’s head, one of necessity is looking out the edges of the lenses. I now wear trifocals which have their own issues but they work best for me.

        • allein ? October 8, 2018 / 10:53 am

          I was in a meeting and reading a page that was legal size and landscape orientation, and if I just moved my eyes to look across the page it got pretty blurry because of the distortion on the sides, but that’s only time I’m really noticing that.

    • Allu October 8, 2018 / 10:55 am

      Progressive lenses were great for me. I understand that the zones can be designed in various ways, you may not have a perfect fit, if you do not get comfortable with them. Frames probably should not be too big or too small, to accommodate reasonable area for each zone, just my observation.
      Now, if we start talking about cataract surgery! I had major adjustments to make, when overnight I turned into a grandma who was constantly looking for reading glasses. Nearsighted all my life, I had always been able to see, if I just put my nose close enough, this was not the case any more!

  14. Alice Shortcake October 7, 2018 / 5:29 pm

    I’ve had those lenses for quite some time and had no trouble getting used to them. I wore contact lenses for twenty years and really resent having to wear glasses again, but my near and distance vision are so different now it can’t be helped.

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