Coo-coo for Cocoa Puff

The star of this family isn’t a dog or a cat but a caramel-colored mega-bunny named Cocoa Puff. In this video from The Dodo, Cocoa Puff’s family tells what it’s like to share their home with a free-roaming giant rabbit, whose child-friendly disposition and childlike curiosity have captured their hearts.

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16 thoughts on “Coo-coo for Cocoa Puff

  1. Dubravkamcvmd October 14, 2018 / 8:14 am

    Wow. It seems idyllic.

  2. allein ? October 14, 2018 / 8:42 am

    So sweet!

  3. Luv Bunny October 14, 2018 / 8:43 am

    I’m coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs. It’s great to teach children how to properly care for and respect animals.

  4. AJ October 14, 2018 / 8:46 am

    That was such a sweet video. Count me among Coco Puff’s fan’s and what a wonderful learning opportunity for the kids.

  5. Flowerfanatic October 14, 2018 / 9:09 am

    Reminds me of my first bunny. I was 9 years old, an only child, and living on a farm far away from neighbors. I had no one to play with so my love for animals provided me playmates that included cats and a Banty rooster named Peachy that followed me like a puppy. My Dad brought home a big Red Eyed White bunny for me. Bucky and I were great friends. He taught me how to care for him and developed my love for animals of all kinds. There have been many buns over the years but I’ll always remember my first, Bucky.

    • debg October 14, 2018 / 1:47 pm

      Flower, that sounds like a dream come true, having a bunny for a bff.

      • Flowerfanatic October 14, 2018 / 4:27 pm

        Hi debg — Yes, it was. It was mighty lonely as an only child WAY out in the country. Bucky would lie with me under the big maple tree in summer and I’d lay there and watch the shapes of the clouds. He had a harness that we tied a long length of clothesline to and hooked to the clothesline and he’d scamper around and eat grass. He came to an untimely end one summer when we took a vacation and one of the men who tended to all the animals on the farm fed him some lettuce from the garden that had been sprayed with pesticides and Bucky was dead when we returned home. Something like that stays with you no matter how old you get. I’m 81 and that sad situation is still very much with me. It was like losing a very dear friend because he was. I know the person who fed him felt terrible and was full of apologies but that didn’t make it any easier for me. Living on the farm was the beginning of a life-long adoration of all kinds of animals and raising many of them not for our 4 children but mainly for MOM!!

        • dubravkamcvmd October 14, 2018 / 6:47 pm

          Bucky’s end was very sad but he had a wonderful life as your best friend. The image of you and Bucky lying under the maple tree together in the summer is just beautiful.

  6. Amyliz October 14, 2018 / 9:47 am

    Sweet bunny and sweet family!

  7. debg October 14, 2018 / 10:01 am

    I want a bunny as big as myself! That lucky little girl! Actually, everybody in that family is lucky–including Cocoa Puff. They’re all endearing.

  8. Dana October 14, 2018 / 10:02 am

    Awwwwwww. This is the sweetest story!

  9. Smartypants October 14, 2018 / 11:59 am

    Lovely! What a sweet family.

  10. Kar October 14, 2018 / 10:59 pm

    they bought an RV because the rabbit likes to hike in the forest. Seriously.

  11. jerzowa October 15, 2018 / 5:39 am

    What a lovely person Cocoa Puff is! Is it unusual for buns to be so cool with traveling / going for walks / visiting forests etc.? I have no personal experience with animals other than cats and dogs…

  12. Kristi Manning February 8, 2019 / 11:13 am

    What breed of rabbit is cocco puff the giant rabbit?

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