We Love You, Hana

Maru may be the most, shall we say, interesting cat in his household, but roommate Hana gets her share of attention too. From time to time, Mugumogu takes time from her busy schedule of finding strange objects for Maru to squeeze into and showers Hana with affection, which involves kneading Hana’s head into odd shapes.

There’s definitely a “squeezing” theme going on there, Andrew Y.

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10 thoughts on “We Love You, Hana

  1. Elaine C Williamson October 23, 2018 / 1:54 pm

    If I played with my cat’s feet I might lose a body part. ?

  2. Andrew October 23, 2018 / 2:00 pm

    They live such good lives >:3

  3. Dana October 23, 2018 / 2:08 pm

    Awwwww, sweet, pretty girl Hana!

  4. dubravkamcvmd October 23, 2018 / 3:33 pm

    Hana is really beautiful. I’d love to pet her that way. I used to pet Wacket that way. He loved a nice foot massage.

  5. Wuyizidi October 23, 2018 / 4:36 pm

    Love the one minute mark where she looks like a bat.

  6. allein ? October 23, 2018 / 7:01 pm

    My kitty would never let me do that to her feet. 🙁

  7. Amyliz October 23, 2018 / 8:38 pm

    We really do love you, beautiful Hana!

  8. debg October 23, 2018 / 9:42 pm

    Teensy bunny ears on Hana! Such a wonderful, lovely girl.

  9. Kar October 23, 2018 / 10:09 pm

    Hana does not look convinced by this.

    Definitely Team Hana and back in the day I was definitely team Rudy.

  10. MurrayC October 23, 2018 / 11:09 pm

    I was disappointed that she didn’t zero in on that very inviting belly, but I’d be happy to sit stroking that pussy cat for hours on end.

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