9 thoughts on “I’ve Got My Treat

  1. Luv Bunny October 28, 2018 / 8:46 am

    That cutie pie looks like my Leo. But the look on this bun’s face seems to say, “ I hope this isn’t Peter Pumpkin Eater’s pumpkin shell, where I’ll be kept, very well”. Oh my, if so, NTMTOM is right, I don’t need a knife, I’ll just use my toofies.

  2. AJ October 28, 2018 / 9:47 am

    Whatever you carve will be just magnificent. Such a pretty bun bun and not too much disapproval this morning. Guess we got lucky, lol.

  3. Duckie ? October 28, 2018 / 9:55 am

    I’m sensing Mousekin here.

  4. allein ? October 28, 2018 / 11:20 am

    Hmm…one of the You Might Also Enjoys looks familiar…

      • debg October 28, 2018 / 3:57 pm

        I don’t mind seeing this cutiepie twice! What a sweet little face.

  5. Amyliz October 28, 2018 / 12:23 pm

    Hey, no fair…all I found in my pumpkin was pumpkin guts and seeds!

    • AJ October 28, 2018 / 1:23 pm

      Mine was defective too!! No bunny, so I haz a sad ?

  6. sugitomo October 28, 2018 / 5:32 pm

    Please tell me the little bunbun now lives in that pumpkin, enjoying pumpkin spice lattes, and lives happily ever after.

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