Giving Tuesday 2018

We’ve survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and now it’s Giving Tuesday, a day to help the causes we care about in our communities and the world. Earlier this month, Cutetropolitans shared the charities they support to create this list. Share your favorite charities in the comments, with URLs to their websites if possible.

To determine which charities will spend your donation most effectively, review their rankings on Charity Navigator.

Once again, the Please Throw the Frisbee Foundation needs your help.

Begging dog, by Ron Henry Photography, licensed under CC BY 2.0

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16 thoughts on “Giving Tuesday 2018

  1. JenDeyan November 27, 2018 / 8:19 am

    What does it say under the dog’s chin? Because my brain is telling it it’s “LAME!” but that makes no sense.

    • Smartypants November 27, 2018 / 3:06 pm

      I’m stumped too – that certainly looks like an “A”. Laze? Late? Lane?

      Oh, and for giving, I would nominate ASPCA and Sleepy Burrow.

  2. Birdcage November 27, 2018 / 8:24 am

    I do extensive volunteer work for an charitable organization called the Ontario Youth Parliament. We bring together young people, aged 14 to 21, from all across Ontario for an annual conference & model parliament. They learn about Canada’s legislative traditions in a supportive, mentor-focussed environment. There is a cabinet appointed and over the course of the year, the various ministers will write up bills for debate in our mock parliamentary setting. There are no political parties and every youth delegate is completely free to speak their mind without regard to liberal/conservative/etc. affiliations. It’s a great program. I participated when I was a youth and it really helped me find a voice and grow my confidence. We work really hard to keep our registration fees down so that kids of all economic backgrounds can afford to attend, but it’s getting more and more expensive to transport & house our youth delegates each year. So we do accept donations and give out tax receipts where appropriate. Here’s a link to our donations page on our website:

  3. allein ? November 27, 2018 / 8:28 am

    I don’t have a lot of money but I will gladly throw the frisbee.

    Sometime in the next two weeks I will be donating $100 (give or take; depends on my math skills this year) worth of children’s books to my local B&N’s book drive (my store is giving them to a children’s hospital this year). Haven’t figured out my theme yet…

  4. AJ November 27, 2018 / 8:45 am

    I have been very lucky this year – received a raise, hubby took a new job with a significant increase in pay and my investments are doing pretty well – so besides a donation to Mike, I’ll donate to what I call my 2+2, 2 animal charities (1 local, 1 national) and 2 human rights organizations (again, 1 local and 1 national). I figure I have no kids so might as well spread the wealth and do some good with it. But remember most charities have needs past giving Tuesday so if you can manage a monthly donation, that will help out the charities a lot.

  5. Ricky's Mom November 27, 2018 / 8:52 am

    In alphabetical order, these are the charitable 501(c)(3) organizations I support monthly (there are others that get occasional boosts from me). I can try to post links later, but all of these can be found at—in fact, I make my donations via Charity Navigator/Network for Good.

    I don’t expect Cutetropolitans who aren’t in show business to be very interested in The Actors Fund (although many actors are cute). If you don’t live in New York, you may prefer your local Humane Society, or America’s Second Harvest, which is the national version of City Harvest. Those of you outside the US can find other versions of Doctors Without Borders and UNICEF, and possibly also Human Rights Watch.

    The Actors Fund
    American Civil Liberties Union Foundation
    The Carter Center
    Center for Biological Diversity
    Children’s Aid
    City Harvest
    Direct Relief
    Doctors Without Borders, USA
    Equal Justice Initiative
    Friends of the Earth
    Human Rights Watch
    Humane Society of New York
    Mercy Corps
    Metropolitan Maltese Rescue
    Museum of the City of New York
    NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
    NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation
    National Immigration Law Center
    Physicians for Reproductive Health
    Planned Parenthood Federation of America
    Puppies Behind Bars
    Southern Poverty Law Center
    Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO)
    Wildlife Conservation Society

  6. Kar November 27, 2018 / 11:09 am

    throwing one more log on the fire. the Bat World Sanctuary is having a matching donations day via facebook and pay pal

    And from a personal standpoint, i’m big on meals on wheels. had family members volunteer over the years. Too many times this is the only contact/assistance so many elderly have in the world.

  7. Heather Noelle November 27, 2018 / 11:26 am

    Thank you for this amazing post, Mike, and fostering such a kind community here on!

  8. birdlady26 November 27, 2018 / 11:46 am

    Made a donation to my favorite special needs pet charity, Diabetic Cats in Need. They help both owners and shelters with some financial assistance for diabetic cats. Plus they help shelters by posting about diabetic cats in need of rescue or adoption. Mostly cats in the US or Canada but there was 1 cat in Romania that needed help. DCIN is a really tiny totally volunteer run 501(C) charity.


    I had a diabetic cat for many years so this charity is close to my heart.

  9. JenDeyan November 27, 2018 / 12:46 pm

    I’m broke until the 1st but I’m planning to give to my local Humane Society. They run a good TNR program that I like to support.

  10. Heather Noelle November 27, 2018 / 2:22 pm

    I gave to Mike and to Sleepy Burrows. I think I’ll also give to either a homeless shelter or a mental health nonprofit like NAMI, but I haven’t decided yet.

    Yay Cutetropolians!

  11. Sumo-Mermaid November 27, 2018 / 2:50 pm

    My local humane society is at
    I foster dogs from there, too and it’s one of the great delights of my life. It’s kind of like all the joys of ownership without any of the hassles, like vet bills and food costs. The most difficult part of it is the driving to pick up and return them to the locations. There are 4 in the Twin Cities area and none are handy to where I live. It’s worth it to me to make those drives, though.
    My other love is the theater, and I donate to several local ones. I use theater going as the vacations I can’t afford to take.

    • Ricky's Mom November 27, 2018 / 5:16 pm

      Those of us who work in the theatre LOVE you!

  12. Laura November 27, 2018 / 5:18 pm

    I make an annual donation to support a baby elephant to the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. I also send monthly support to:

    Doctors Without Borders (Médecins sans Frontières)
    The Trevor Project

    The Trevor Project supports LBGTQ teenagers who have been abandoned by their families and come to New York (which a vast majority of them do), where most end up living on the streets. The Trevor Project offers tons of support. They have a regular shopping list on Amazon for everything from underclothes and sweatpants and t-shirts to supplies for their residential center. It’s a good organization and does a huge amount of good for these teenagers who have been dumped by their families. (I can’t imagine parents doing that, but it really does happen, sadly!)

    I also donate at least annually to a number of other charities, including the Bat World Sanctuary and our local Humane Society, and my husband does a huge amount of work for and we donate to fundraisers for Paws For Charity, the therapy dog group our Idiots both belong to. Besides regular fundraising, they have twice-annual evenings at Hamburger Mary’s, a Tampa institution — it’s a restaurant + bingo parlor, and the bingo is run by drag queens. That’s right, drag bingo. It’s hilarious and SO fun! If anyone is ever in Tampa, you really need to spend an evening at Hamburger Mary’s. Oh, and it raises tons of money, too, which is the best kind of fundraiser. 🙂

    There are a few others I can’t think of right now. I only wish I had so much more to give, there are so many places that need our funds!

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