The Munchie Thief

At holidays, when snacks on trays bring comfort and goodwill
There is a fiend who lurks unseen, and greedily eats his fill
From Hanukkah to Christmas Day his presence can be felt
He covets all the candy canes and gobbles all the gelt
That bowl of chocolate candy you were saving for tonight?
Don’t leave it unattended or he’ll whisk it out of sight
Sugar cookies, chips and dip — just blink once and he’s got ’em
His villainy, like his appetite, has no apparent bottom
So mind your mints, protect your pretzels, lest they come to grief
This New Year’s Eve there’s no reprieve from the dreaded Munchie Thief!

I swear that bowl was full a minute ago…
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7 thoughts on “The Munchie Thief

  1. allein ? December 31, 2018 / 10:35 am

    That’s okay, I’ll share.

    • Duckie ? December 31, 2018 / 11:23 am

      Not that you have a choice…

  2. debg December 31, 2018 / 11:28 am

    Grabbie paws are just as cute as whappy paws on nursing kittens.

  3. Elaine C Williamson December 31, 2018 / 11:35 am

    This shows why you should keep your treats hidden from your pets. (And maybe you so you will not overeat.) ?

    • Murray C December 31, 2018 / 12:07 pm

      Very good advice. Brilliant rhyming, Mike. Have you ever read the children’ book “How Murray Saved Christmas”? The author’s rhymes are reminiscent of yours.

  4. Kar December 31, 2018 / 3:49 pm

    If he grabs a chocolate candy we’re going to have words.

  5. AJ December 31, 2018 / 6:47 pm

    That’s one way to stick to your diet and good start to any New Year resolutions to eat healthier. Wonder if kitty would like to stay at my house? I need some help resisting all the treats.

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