Links: BRB, Teaching My Pet to Paint

And finally: Have Some Capybara Citrus Punch

Every year at the winter solstice, zookeepers in Japan soak capybaras in hot tubs filled with yuzu, a citrus fruit. The practice, which began in 1996, is meant to ward off disease and bring good health for the coming year.

The yuzu bath is a much older winter ritual, at least for Japanese humans who believe the practice actually prevents colds and flu. But for the capybara, the ritual just gives them an excuse to do what they do best: chill.

Found on Mashable by Andrew Y.

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16 thoughts on “Links: BRB, Teaching My Pet to Paint

  1. allein ? December 31, 2018 / 8:40 am

    I thought that second video was frozen for a few seconds but then I realized the water was moving…

    I wanna be a capybara in my next life.

  2. fkaWaldenPond December 31, 2018 / 9:04 am

    Booo! I am here at work– anyone else? Are you feeling better Allein?

    • allein ? December 31, 2018 / 9:23 am

      I am also at work. We get out at 3:00 (but I have a lot of stuff to do before then, as a coworker’s last day was Friday and I got most of his stuff added to my list, and it’s the first day of the fiscal month which means even more to do. (And I came in to learn there was drama upon his leaving and I’m glad I missed it (but I hope he’s okay).) Another guy is retiring and his last day is today – he is wearing a 3-piece suit for the occasion. (He’s not in my department, though, so that doesn’t affect me, really.)

      I’m feeling okayish. Still coughing some and would rather be in bed, but not as bad as I was, so there’s that. My usual New Year’s Eve plans are postponed until Friday (maybe) because my friend came down with a cold a couple days ago (and her son is “sniffling”), so she feels like crap and I don’t need to be around sick people. I plan to finish the last few episodes of the Unobscured podcast about the Salem Witch Trials (by the same guy who does Lore, if anyone is familiar with that), and I might get my favorite overpriced pizza and watch a movie or two.

    • AJ December 31, 2018 / 9:43 am

      I’m getting ready right after this and I’ll go in for a few hours so on Wed it won’t be as bad. Plus I need to take down the remaining Christmas decorations in my office. ?

  3. dubravkamcvmd December 31, 2018 / 9:35 am

    Capybaras relaxing in a hot tub! All’s right with the world! I think if people have figured out that providing hot tub relaxation for capybaras is a good thing, humans can fix a lot of what’s wrong.

    • birdlady26 December 31, 2018 / 11:42 am

      Knew there was a reason we should all get hot tubs in our backyards. Heard that DebG may be putting a hottub in her bathroom.

      • debg December 31, 2018 / 4:01 pm

        I wish! You’re still all invited!

  4. AJ December 31, 2018 / 9:50 am

    All right if that dog can get people to buy his paintings then I need to start slapping colors on canvas ’cause I don’t think I could do any worse. Didn’t watch the video but if what people are saying is true (he gets a treat anytime he moves the brush) then that’s not a good thing for the dog. Other links are great and the capybara videos had me in tears from laughing so hard. That is the most bizarre thing I’ve seen. I mean are they trying to prevent them from getting sick or are they trying to make capybara stew??? They’re so calm about just sitting there in the trough and the ramp they put up so they could get in!!! Hopefully the water is warm but man, that made my morning. Thank you Mike and Happy New Year everyone!!!

  5. debg December 31, 2018 / 11:27 am

    I’m not at work but I’m hanging drywall in (you guessed it) my bathroom. Work would kinda be preferable.

    Lola the kitten and Scotter the otter stole my heart. I think hot tubbing with capys would be most excellent.

    • birdlady26 December 31, 2018 / 11:40 am

      We want pictures Debg!

      • dubravkamcvmd December 31, 2018 / 12:55 pm

        Absolutely! I’ve been so impressed with your skills and moral fortitude. I’d love to see the results.

        • debg December 31, 2018 / 4:02 pm

          Once the shower and floor are done (the last two things), you’ll get pix. I may have to set up a website for these adventures. Maybe someone else can learn from my mistakes.

  6. Phred’s Mom December 31, 2018 / 11:41 am

    What isn’t mentioned in the eagle story is what makes it cute: the grey-clad arm
    upon which Clark is pausing belongs to a VietNamese immigrant Philadelphian who
    has become a big Philadelphia Iggles fan. His wife missed the fun by going to
    the loo just before Clark was introduced. BTW, Go Birds! Whomp Bears!
    Happy New Year all!

    • debg December 31, 2018 / 4:03 pm

      That is so cool! Not his wife missing it, but Clark choosing him.

  7. Emsthemonster December 31, 2018 / 5:05 pm

    Happy 2019 to all of you!

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