13 thoughts on “Whatta Fairy Tale

  1. allein ? January 7, 2019 / 2:52 pm

    Wow, great mask!

    • ^oo^ January 7, 2019 / 7:24 pm

      Or…think of me as an upside-down ice cream cone that wants to lick YOU!

      • allein ? January 7, 2019 / 8:09 pm


      • Murray C January 7, 2019 / 8:43 pm

        ? Excellent!

  2. Debg January 7, 2019 / 3:27 pm

    Iโ€™ve always wanted a princess dog. Love her beautiful eyes.

  3. Luv Bunny January 7, 2019 / 3:56 pm

    Sorry, Princess Winifred, Iโ€™d rather keep you in the dog form, so only kibbles for you. No harm or meanness intended, itโ€™s just the doggie is so cute.

  4. dubravkamcvmd January 7, 2019 / 5:53 pm

    The sweet intensity of her expression!

  5. Smartypants January 7, 2019 / 6:34 pm

    I believe every word of it!

  6. AJ January 7, 2019 / 7:05 pm

    Whatta a mooch!! But I would definitely give this lovely do.. PRINCESS, anything her royal heart desired. Like with the poor doxie yesterday, come sit next to Auntie, tell her all your woes and she’ll hand feed some choice morsels like bacon, like cheese and whatever else is in my fridge. (Yes, I’m a sucker for puppy dog eyes and a sob story, can you tell???)

  7. fkaWaldenPond January 7, 2019 / 9:02 pm

    What? Ne’er a boop yet?!

    • JenDeyan January 7, 2019 / 9:31 pm

      I’ll do it! Boop!

      • fkaWaldenPond January 7, 2019 / 9:59 pm

        Princess Winifred responds thee, Jendeyan lief knight art the prince of mine own dreams. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Kar January 8, 2019 / 12:11 am

    It’s like David Bowie but with extra hair. Just can’t take your eyes off him

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