The Old Dog and the Sea

Ayup, squall’s a-comin’. Can feel it in my whiskers. Ya wanna get your rain gear on early, ’cause ya never can be too prepared for when the rain hits. That river’ll rise mighty quick, and before you know it, you’re out in the water human-paddling.

Dunno how them humans manage to stay afloat. (Pleated Jeans)

I didn’t even bring an umbrella, Sharon H.

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18 thoughts on “The Old Dog and the Sea

  1. allein ? February 11, 2019 / 3:04 pm

    That dog has seen some things…

  2. fkaWaldenPond February 11, 2019 / 3:40 pm

    Speaking of a squall a-comin, we are getting our weekly snow, ice pellet and freezing rain storm tomorrow. I can take 15-20 cm of snow, but no one can take that amount in freezing rain. Ugghhh. Wish I had this pup with us in the office here tomorrow.

    • Blue Footed Booby February 11, 2019 / 3:51 pm

      We went from a week of sub-20F weather and snow to ~60 for a week. Now it’s hovering just above freezing and raining gently. And the sun’s going down. Gonna come into work an hour late, carefully navigating around the smoldering wreckage left by early risers.

      • AJ February 11, 2019 / 6:05 pm

        Smoldering wreckage, snort laugh, that’s good. I just have visions of you trying to break through a la “Mad Max” style.

        • Smartypants February 11, 2019 / 9:33 pm

          Yes, or the beginning of “Dawn on the Dead” when all hell has broken loose.

    • allein ? February 11, 2019 / 3:52 pm

      I woke up to a coating of powder on my car but nothing on the ground. Tonight says snow, less than one inch accumulation, then “snow to rain” tomorrow. Snow/sleet in the morning, 1-3 inches possible, then rain supposedly at noon.

      • fkaWaldenPond February 11, 2019 / 4:41 pm

        Be careful driving peeps; remember at least two car lengths space in front of you.

        • allein ? February 11, 2019 / 4:47 pm

          If only I could get the people behind me to comply with that…

  3. Murray C February 11, 2019 / 5:26 pm

    A Downeaster Dog – how cute. I guess – because he’s wearing a down coat.

  4. AJ February 11, 2019 / 6:11 pm

    This dog must be living in my house. Excuse the rant but THE ROOF IS STILL LEAKING WHEN IT RAINS AND PROPERTY MANAGER/HOME OWNER ARE STILL DRAGGING THEIR FEET ON FIXING IT. I literally have a steady drip every time we have a storm plus now I have shrooms or something growing down from the attic and poking through the ceiling. This is very frustrating and I don’t want to bring code enforcement in as I’m worried that I’ll end up on some secret blackball list of renters and never be able to rent in this town again. And there’s a storm coming later this week, I’m just waiting for the ceiling to collapse and then I can go to the property manager “See, I told you it was bad”. Ahh, much better, rant over.

    And doggo is very cute wearing his very own storm gear. He must stay so nice and warm and dry. Plus there’s the added benefit for the owner – no wet dog smell!!

    • fkaWaldenPond February 11, 2019 / 6:53 pm

      That *is* distressing and gross, I am sorry. But document, document, document. Write written notes, take photos. Every time you speak with the landlord document what was discussed and date it.

      • AJ February 11, 2019 / 8:45 pm

        Oh I have done all that, I have emails (and responses or lack thereof), pictures, and maintenance requests logged on their website. They’re usually pretty good about getting things fixed but for some reason this time around it just seems that it’s falling on deaf ears. I know part of it is the expense and understand their reluctance, but it really, really, really needs to get done.

        • allein ? February 11, 2019 / 9:13 pm

          Do they not realize that the longer they let it go the more expensive it’ll be to fix? (Not to mention someone’s gonna sue them one day if this is how they handle the big things.)

  5. Faye February 11, 2019 / 6:59 pm

    Call me Ishmadogel.

  6. N. Fritz February 12, 2019 / 4:08 am

    Woke up to 5-6 inches of snow and blizzard conditions. Had to shovel and clean off the car to drive 20 miles to work. I taught the first lesson and because my other classes today are having a ski day, I got back in my car, drove 20 miles home and was home by 9:30 am! Now coffee, comfort food, and cross-stitch!

    • allein ? February 12, 2019 / 8:07 am

      I woke up to a disappointing amount of nothing much (though if it wasn’t going to get me out of work then I’m fine with that). Drove to work in a light icy rain sorta thing but the roads were okay (but I took the highway just in case).

  7. Amyliz February 12, 2019 / 7:48 am

    Another snow day for me…the 7th since January. 21, plus a couple of delayed starts and an early dismissal! I won’t know how to handle a 5-day work week anymore!

    Wish I had this cute dog to keep me company today but my cat would not approve!

  8. Phred’s Mom February 12, 2019 / 9:10 am

    Snow overnight and rain now, steady and most “dreich”, as they say
    in Shetland. Glad I don’t have to go anywhere. Stay safe, all you
    unfortunates that must drive in this stuff. *blech*

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