Sleep Cycle

Cutetropolis is brought to you today by the makers of the VibraPedic™ vibrating cat bed. Enjoy a superior night’s sleep with gentle rocking vibrations, while the sound of sloshing water washes your tensions away. Also cleans clothing, if you happen to wear that sort of thing.

Keeps my blankie fresh and warm! (Imgur)
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20 thoughts on “Sleep Cycle

  1. allein 🐾 April 25, 2019 / 8:20 am

    Ah, now I see the benefits of a front-loading washer. You can do the laundry without disturbing the cat!

    (The little pillow just makes the picture, doesn’t it?)

  2. AJ April 25, 2019 / 8:48 am

    So true Allein about the washer! And I’d buy that bed, already have a sound machine tuned to the ocean selection to help me sleep so the sloshing water is perfect for me. And such a darling kitty.

    • allein 🐾 April 25, 2019 / 8:55 am

      I have a white noise app on my tablet. I usually go for the “rain on a wooden deck” sound but sometimes I switch to ocean waves.

      • AJ April 25, 2019 / 11:55 am

        I have an similar app on my tablet that I use when I travel. I go for the ocean waves with seagulls sound. The rain on a deck sounds good too. The one I’d really want but no one has is city traffic – cars going by, an occasional siren, maybe a train whistle. I grew up on a busy street and I find it hard to sleep if it’s totally quiet.

        • dubravkamcvmd April 25, 2019 / 12:20 pm

          There was a movie with Danny DeVito where he played a lawyer from I think New York, for some reason in a small town. Trying to go to sleep at night he was kept awake by the sound of crickets. For reasons I can’t remember he spends the night in a prison cell. There is a riot wth shots fired and sirens. He sleeps like a baby with a beatific smile on his face.

          • fkaWaldenPond April 25, 2019 / 12:52 pm

            Isn’t it Joe Pesci in my ‘My Cousin Vinny’?

            • dubravkamcvmd April 25, 2019 / 1:03 pm

              It’s definitely “My Cousin Vinny.” I looked up the cast and you’re also right that it’s Joe Pesci. And here I was congratulating myself that even though I can’t remember any names, since I did remember them after a few minutes I don’t have dementia. Apparently I do.

              • fkaWaldenPond April 25, 2019 / 1:09 pm

                Seriously though Dubra, as I read your first statement I saw Danny DeVito in my minds eye too; it wasn’t until I looked up IMBD that I remembered it was Joe Pesci. So… we are both suffering from Pesci dementia 😀

                • dubravkamcvmd April 25, 2019 / 1:45 pm

                  Thank you for your reassurance.

                  • Dulcie April 25, 2019 / 2:33 pm

                    They are so alike. Whenever I want to talk about one of them I actually use both names because I find them almost interchangeable!

                    • Smartypants April 25, 2019 / 8:52 pm

                      I only just realized today that I’ve been conflating TalIa Shire and Shelley Duvall. Surprise, they’re not the same person!

        • belphebe April 25, 2019 / 1:19 pm

          Try the Relax Melodies App. It has a bunch of different sounds that you can mix and match, even in the free version. (I think i have the free version) You can choose urban rain, thunderstorm, and a bunch of different sounds. I think they do have a train whistle one as well. Not sure about sirens, because I don’t want those.

          I change it up but usually have the rain and car noises in my mix.

        • allein 🐾 April 25, 2019 / 2:09 pm

          The one I have is just called White Noise (it’s this one: and should also be available for Apple). It comes with some default sounds (different “colors” of noise, a few different rains and ocean sounds, a fan, a vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher…) but there are tons more you can download for free. I have both City Streets and Cars. (I also have an orchestra tuning up, which is a sound I love, but I wish the track was longer. You can hear when it starts over and the repetition gets distracting.) (You can also make playlists and mixes, but I haven’t played with that much.)

          I usually play classical music CDs when I go to bed but sometimes I use the app, and if I’m sleeping somewhere else and it’s too quiet I will use it.

          • AJ April 25, 2019 / 3:38 pm

            I have both those apps. I just couldn’t get the right combo on Relax Melodies and I wasn’t going to pay for any sounds. I forgot with White Noise you could download more sounds so I’m off to explore what’s available for city sounds.

  3. debg April 25, 2019 / 9:18 am

    Something about kitties with pillows and blankies just kills me ded every time. This little one looks so content. Of course, I’ve never seen a sleeping cat who *didn’t* have that look–it’s almost smug.

  4. Emsthemonster April 25, 2019 / 9:27 am

    Beautiful mittens on that kitten!

    • Alice Shortcake April 25, 2019 / 9:29 am

      Freshly laundered, by the look of them.

  5. Lucy's Mom April 25, 2019 / 9:53 am

    Just one word: awwwwwwww. 😍

  6. Ricky & Bibi's Mom April 25, 2019 / 10:42 am

    I wish there were room for me up there, too. I’d be glad to cuddle with kitty on that nice, warm bed.

  7. Dulcie April 25, 2019 / 11:34 am

    Kitties can look pretty precious on their own but throw in a pillow and blankie…awww.

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