Ah, It’s Great to Be an Alpha Dog

I’m telling ya, it’s the best feeling in the world, to be in command, to get respect. Nobody tells you you’re an alpha — you just know it in your bones, that feeling of power that says you were born for greatness. But I never forget: An alpha ain’t nothing without his best buddy, that loyal beta friend who can look up to him.

two dogs
(*mrrph*) At the moment, I can’t look up at all. (Reddit)
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9 thoughts on “Ah, It’s Great to Be an Alpha Dog

  1. allein 🐾 May 14, 2019 / 3:45 pm

    Beta dogs ears look very soft.

  2. AJ May 14, 2019 / 3:56 pm

    What a jerk and looks so pleased with himself. Yeah, I’m the alpha soo what are YOU gonna do about it?

  3. Ricky & Bibi's Mom May 14, 2019 / 4:37 pm

    Taking a moment from the frivolity to point out that the theory of alpha dogs has been thoroughly discredited. Dogs are domesticated animals, they are not wolves. They don’t have alphas, they don’t have packs, they don’t have pack leaders.

    Funny pic and comment, tho. I’m betting the top dog is female. 😉

    • Alice Shortcake May 14, 2019 / 4:53 pm

      I’m betting the bottom dog has a headache.

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom May 15, 2019 / 10:10 am

        I wouldn’t bet against you on that one.

    • Blue Footed Booby May 15, 2019 / 10:11 am

      Wolves don’t really have alphas either. Packs tend to be family groups organized around the eldest parents.

  4. allein 🐾 May 14, 2019 / 5:09 pm

    Hey, it’s International Chihuahua Appreciation Day and we didn’t have any Chihuahuas? What gives?

  5. myiglets May 15, 2019 / 8:49 am

    Oh, I also come here for the best scroll downs evah!

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