Links: Let’s Go to the Catio!

Custom cat backyards, cop saves kitten, dogs save everything, and we meet a new species, maybe.

And finally: Seat’s Taken

Every. Damn. Time.

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10 thoughts on “Links: Let’s Go to the Catio!

  1. allein 🐾 June 21, 2019 / 8:24 am

    “That’s my spot.”

    We used to have a catio of sorts. My parents used to have a screenhouse on the patio behind the garage, so you could go out the back door and down the steps on the deck, or go into the garage from the living room and into the screenhouse through the back garage door, which is how the cats got in there. Stripes loved to hang out there, pounce at bugs on the other side of the screen, or just lounge for hours (there was a TV out there and my dad would and read and watch golf or baseball or whatever). Stars had to be carried out there, and she would crouch under the TV table next to the garage door and as soon as someone opened it she would bolt back into the house. I don’t think she ever even spent enough time out there to figure out it was actually an enclosed space. If she had maybe she wouldn’t have been so afraid of it. (The screens eventually started to need replacing and my dad decided not to bother so they don’t have it anymore.)

  2. JenDeyan June 21, 2019 / 8:33 am

    The gif at the end made me literally laugh out loud. That kitty was very determined to occupy that chair. Talk about zoomies.

    • rhea3 June 21, 2019 / 8:40 am

      And I notice that’s the only chair in the room.

    • debg June 21, 2019 / 9:29 am

      I’ve never had or known of a cat who was *not* determined to occupy a chair just before a hoomin butt landed in it. Adorable. And yes, it will happen every damned time.

  3. rhea3 June 21, 2019 / 8:44 am

    It’s not a “cat-fox” or a new species. It’s a subspecies closely related to the European wildcat, Libyan wildcat, and other wild stock from whom our furry friends are descended. That said, it’s nice to find them on Corsica, and I hope they get enough respect and protection to survive there. They need a breeding population of at least fifty to have any chance of survival.

    • murkle46 June 21, 2019 / 6:38 pm

      Thank you for the better information.The internet,geesh.

  4. Lucy's Mom June 21, 2019 / 9:07 am

    Wow, those catios are amazing!! In my next life I’d like to come back as a very spoiled kitty. 🐱

    • debg June 21, 2019 / 9:30 am

      If I ever get the money, I’ll tear down my deck and build a catio for my brood. They would love it. I think.

  5. debg June 21, 2019 / 9:44 pm

    Thank you to all the nice people who rescue kitties and doggies. I love the idea of kittens named TJ and Max.

  6. Kar June 22, 2019 / 1:50 am


    Those catios are almost too nice. Bigger than my college dorm rooms and first apartment.

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