Future Tech for Dogs

Chasing squirrels just got a high-tech upgrade with the release of the Biosensory Enhancement Goggle System (BEGS), featuring infrared heat-detection imaging, distance-to-target heads-up display, predictive evasive maneuver countermeasures, GPS satellite tracking, and YouTube.

dog in goggles
So I can keep up with the “squirrel chasing” channel.
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5 thoughts on “Future Tech for Dogs

  1. JenDeyan July 9, 2019 / 10:48 am

    This dog looks so much cooler than I ever could.

    • allein ๐Ÿพ July 9, 2019 / 10:52 am

      Most dogs look cooler than I ever will.

      I did have a nice perk on my way to work. Was behind a big pickup truck at a light when all of a sudden a chocolate Lab head pops out the side window. They turned at the light so I only got to enjoy it for about half a minute, but any Cute is good Cute.

      • Lucy's Mom July 9, 2019 / 2:31 pm

        Yup, something like that can totally make your day. ๐Ÿ‘

      • debg July 9, 2019 / 3:20 pm

        I got morning kisses from my neighborโ€™s pup. She came running to the fence when she heard me. Made my day.

  2. Doug July 9, 2019 / 3:38 pm

    Laugh if you wish, but their are some real one .. REX SPEC (.com no spaces) for working dogs and they are great protection for them. I’ve meet a couple pups that have them for SAR work.

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