12 thoughts on “Pocket Protection

  1. JenDeyan August 13, 2019 / 8:04 am

    This just makes the case for bigger pockets on all clothing. No room for adorable puppers with small pockets.

  2. Lucy's Mom August 13, 2019 / 8:07 am

    “… he keeps looking at me like I’m food.” 😁😁

  3. allein 🐾 August 13, 2019 / 8:07 am

    Well, you are a wiener dog…

    (And yes, puppy-pockets on all my sweaters would be perfect.)

  4. AJ August 13, 2019 / 9:09 am

    So true Allein! Why call them weiner dogs if they’re not considered “food” and poor stuffie, sacrificed for the cause. If puppers needs to hide out, I have a shirt with an extra large kangaroo pocket. No one would see him in there.

    Hello everyone, I’m back from Alaska! I missed you and all the cuteness. Had a fantastic time, the list of wildlife I saw is enormous and included humpback AND orca whales, otters, seals, sea lions, puffins, moose, mountain goats and a few others. Ate a ton of fish ad other yummies. It’s a little hard being back but I’m managing and thankfully I have this site to help me thru. I’ll go thru the posts since I’ve been gone and see what I missed. Once I get all the pictures uploaded to something like Flickr, I’ll post a link.

    • debg August 13, 2019 / 9:12 am

      Welcome back! Sounds like your trip was fabulous!

      And I love this little cutie so much. Come climb into my pocket baby–I’ll protect you.

    • allein 🐾 August 13, 2019 / 9:16 am

      Welcome back!

      Speaking of kangaroo pockets…I just realized I never sent Mike the kangaroo video I came across last night. Will have to go find it again.

    • dubravkamcvmd August 13, 2019 / 12:50 pm

      Welcome back! Love to see your pictures. I loved seeing Alaska too.

    • Murray c. August 13, 2019 / 5:28 pm

      Welcome back and look forward to seeing pictures – you saw PUFFINS! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a puffin in person. I did get my husband a pair of “Stud Puffin” pajama bottoms when we were in Maine at the all things Puffin store.

      • allein 🐾 August 13, 2019 / 5:53 pm

        • Murray C. August 13, 2019 / 6:14 pm

          Very Puffessorial

    • JenDeyan August 14, 2019 / 9:31 am

      That sounds like a wonderful trip. I’m so jelly. Can’t wait to see the pics. Welcome back!

  5. Dulcie August 13, 2019 / 3:28 pm

    This begs the question…are weiners really food?

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