Chonk Style!

Mr. B is 26 pounds of cuddly cat. Want him?

There’s a capacious cat who’s the toast of the Internet, taking names and crashing websites. He’s Mr. B, a 26-pound tabby up for adoption at the Morris Animal Refuge in Philadelphia, PA. After photos of the big boy appeared on Twitter, eager readers flew to the Morris website in numbers so large it temporarily crashed. Although you might think he’s had a few too many of those yummy Philly cheesesteaks, the shelter says he’s only a bit overweight — he’s just really, really large. Adoption requests for Mr. B have been pouring in, and the shelter says it will select his forever home soon. Preferably a big one.

A story so large, it took Tara O., Andrew Y., and Phred’s Mom to drag it into the Cutetropolis mailbox.

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20 thoughts on “Chonk Style!

  1. julie August 23, 2019 / 6:41 pm

    Mr B looks like a small leopard!!

  2. Tara August 23, 2019 / 6:47 pm

    Yay! I am so in love with Mr. B the Chonk!!! He looks so sweet.

    My co-worker asked – So, what happens if he gets the zoomies?

    • Kar August 23, 2019 / 7:35 pm

      At that size, you don’t have zoomies. you lumber from point A to point B.

      • Tara August 23, 2019 / 9:36 pm

        Nah no nope. As the lady said, “he’s not fat he’s just really really big.” So. The original question stands. πŸ˜‰ What kind of retrofitting needs to happen to the new abode? πŸ˜€

      • kermit August 23, 2019 / 10:32 pm

        Lumber? Unlikely if it really is motivated. Bears can run over 30 mph, and they definitely don’t look like they can, until of course they decide that there’s something worth chasing.

        • allein 🐾 August 23, 2019 / 10:45 pm

          Unrelated, except you mentioned bears, but today I saw a video (from a video doorbell system, looked like) of a young black bear stealing a box of dog food from from someone’s porch. (Apparently Chewy replaced it.) πŸ™‚

        • Kar August 24, 2019 / 12:48 am

          My father’s 35 lb porker might waddle if excited but zoomies were beyond him. Even for his favorite, tapioca pudding. He would lick off the custard and leave a perfectly straight line of the pearls.

          And yeah, he shouldn’t have had pudding but it was the only people food that he begged for. We never really figured out what was going on with his prior person but apparently she taught him to equate the refrigerator with love.

          • allein 🐾 August 24, 2019 / 1:08 am

            Heh…I just finished reading a book (First Bite: How We Learn to Eat by Bee Wilson) and in the epilogue she has a list of things she learned in the course of writing the book. One of them is “Sugar is not love. But it can feel like it.” I guess that goes for cats, too.

    • Tara August 23, 2019 / 9:39 pm

      Also, finding it a crack up how, with every story – the poor Mr. Chonk gains a pound.

  3. Gigi_the cat lady August 23, 2019 / 6:49 pm

    I love him! He reminds me of my long departed tabby KitKat aka Fatso, I would take Mr. B in a minute if I lived closer.
    My Fatso didn’t weigh 26 pounds he weighed 36 pounds! My vet and I tried everything but he never lost any weight. Even though he was fat he was very happy and lived to be 15 years old.

  4. Sowmya August 23, 2019 / 7:19 pm

    OMG Mr B is crushing it Chonk-style!! 😻😻

    • allein 🐾 August 23, 2019 / 7:55 pm

      I bet he crushes a lot of things!

      • fkaWaldenPond August 23, 2019 / 8:37 pm


      • Sowmya August 24, 2019 / 11:15 am

        With great chonk comes great responsibility.

  5. Kar August 23, 2019 / 7:38 pm

    We had one of those. My father’s cat, Alex, was 35 pounds when he got him. Eventually got him down to a svelte 17 pounds and the vet said that was enough

  6. rhea3 August 23, 2019 / 10:12 pm

    Okay, he’s pudgy, but going by the size of his head compared with the woman’s, he’s a damn big cat.

  7. Judy's Belland August 24, 2019 / 12:00 am

    Still another reason I wish I still lived in Philly–I’d be one of those people trying to adopt that adorable chonk. But more important, I’m glad to see Morris Animal Refuge is still going. I used to make a point of walking by there to look at the critters. And that’s where I found my beloved Maggie (AKA Maggiefur, AKA Magpie) when she was just a little five-week-old kitten who hurled herself at me, mewing non-stop. That was August 1994, and for the next 11 years just looking at her brought me so much joy. One of the most stubborn animals that ever walked the Earth, and I adored her. Anyway . . . Morris Animal Refuge is a good place and highly regarded by animal-lovers in Philly.

  8. Wuyizidi August 24, 2019 / 2:11 am

    Are we sure this CHONKster is not really a tiger (see comparison below)?

    • murkle46 August 24, 2019 / 7:03 am

      Eric Cartman’s spirit animal!He even looks like Cartman!

  9. dgerish August 24, 2019 / 9:25 am

    Y’all are crushing it with your comments. Mr. B is crushing it with his body.

    I love that chubby tiger cub too.

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