Outfoxed by a Box, Maru?

There has never been a box that Maru, the undisputed king of confinement, could not master. Until now. At first frustrated by the box’s unwelcoming, upside-down orientation, Maru attempts to break in from above. Alas, he has fallen into the box’s cunning trap and must now wear the box like a cone of shame.

I thought this day would never come, Andrew Y.

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11 thoughts on “Outfoxed by a Box, Maru?

  1. allein 🐾 October 26, 2019 / 12:36 pm

    Such indignity.

  2. Andrew October 26, 2019 / 1:06 pm

    He always solves the puzzle in the end >:3

  3. Lucy's Mom October 26, 2019 / 4:14 pm

    At the very end… “Mom, you’re not filming this, are you?” That’s as close as I ever want to come to seeing that boy defeated by a box. It would be as disappointing as finding out the tooth fairy isn’t real (it’s not, right???). 😋

  4. Faye October 26, 2019 / 6:57 pm

    Definitely walks towards camera pretending that didn’t happen! Fake news.

  5. Michael October 26, 2019 / 9:26 pm

    Well, I’d say he DID win — when he got finished, it was no longer upside down. He could have gotten into it if he wanted, lying on its side as it was. Seems to me he merely thought he’d been there, done that box. For that matter. when he was stuck, if he’d followed the dictum that the only way out is through and tried to go forward instead of back, he might have gotten in the box that way (he’d have been going with the direction of the cardboard instead of against it, where it did, as NTMTOM said, act as a trap).

    I wonder if she “set him up,” i.e. knew the box would collapse if he climbed on it. I wonder how much longer she’d have let him struggle to get out (forward OR back). I guess if he’d seemed in distress, she’d have intervened, but not much distresses Maru. He never panics, and he always manages to at least ACT as if he meant to do whatever he did. He’s stolid.

    I am not a Maru scholar, so I could never find this, but years ago, I remember a very big box, possibly also upside down, or maybe he turned it upside down — what I remember is his trying to climb it but it kept collapsing (because it was so big, the cardboard was not strong enough to keep it rigid), and it was analogous to trying to climb a gravel slope that keeps sliding out from under you as fast as you can climb. He was not master of THAT box, as I recall.

    • allein 🐾 October 26, 2019 / 9:39 pm

      Was it this one?

      • Andrew October 27, 2019 / 1:08 am

        From the description I do believe that’s the one!
        XD and I love it

        • dubravkamcvmd October 27, 2019 / 7:59 am

          I love everyone’s Maru scholarship.

      • Michael October 28, 2019 / 1:35 am

        That has to be the one. He did better than I remembered (and thus better than I described) but it’s too similar to what I remembered NOT to be the one. Well done, and thank you, Allein.

        That video is from January 12, 2017. Almost 3 years. Good memory, or you looked back a long ways till you found it.

        I never thought of this before, but can she possibly buy that much stuff from Amazon? I’ve already speculated that she lives in a small town (to be able to afford a house that big with a yard); maybe there are no decent local stores? Or does she ask all her friends and neighbors to save THEIR Amazon boxes for her too? She needs a steady supply for props.

  6. Juno October 28, 2019 / 10:46 am

    I don’t care what anyone says, Maru is still UNDEFEATED, and he always will be. No matter what happens, he meant to do that.

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