The Story of Ember

A chilly kitty warms hearts at a fire station

The Steinbach Fire Department in Manitoba, Canada is used to helping people, but here’s the story of the time last year they helped out a very special kitten.


The six-month-old kitten showed up one day at their window. “Is this your kitten?” they asked on their Facebook page. “She has been hanging around the fire station all evening.”

cat at window
Meow, eh?

But no one stepped up to claim the lost kitten, and as she began to settle in at the station, one of the firefighters decided to take care of her in his heated garage.

cat and fire alarms
Hey, do these fire alarms work? Wanna try something.

A Facebook reader gave her the perfect name: Ember. And so Ember took a trip to the veterinarian for an exam and all of her shots…

cat being examined
Yes, it hurts when you do that. Stop doing that.

Followed by the dreaded bathtime.

wet cat
Suddenly I’m contemplating arson.

But the fire department knew they couldn’t take care of her forever. Ember needed a home of her own and so she was adopted by a loving family.

Oh, good. We’ve got a cheek-pincher.

Six months later, the fire department reported that Ember was thriving in her new home. “She’s an outdoor kitty at heart,” they wrote. “She loves hanging out in the backyard with us, and taking long naps during the day.”

Cat on porch
Ah… my domain.

“She meows for treats every night before bed. She’s super cuddly, loves curling up in anybody’s lap – even when they’re not a cat person.”

cat reaches for treat

Suggested by Cheryl S. (Thanks to Megan W. for catching my spelling error!)

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5 thoughts on “The Story of Ember

  1. Debg January 14, 2020 / 3:26 pm

    What a sweetie! Love her gorgeous long tail.

    • allein 🐾 January 14, 2020 / 3:37 pm

      Looks like a bit of raccoon in there, eh?

  2. N. Fritz January 14, 2020 / 3:35 pm

    that’s a beautiful feline! Such luxurious markings and coat!

  3. catslave January 14, 2020 / 6:30 pm

    “…She’s super cuddly, loves curling up in anybody’s lap – even when they’re not a cat person.”

    Especially when they’re not a cat person.

    • Clairdelune January 15, 2020 / 11:10 am

      Hee Hee – I noticed that also… some kitties have a wicked sense of humor… 🙂

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