Links: N-nice P-puppy…

Pup rescues bear cub, bees repossess honey, holy cats, and basketball birds, in today’s links.

And finally: Birdieball

Found on Facebook by Andrew Y.

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8 thoughts on “Links: N-nice P-puppy…

  1. allein 🐾 February 21, 2020 / 8:28 am

    Doggie just wanted a teddy bear…

    • michael (not him) February 21, 2020 / 9:04 am

      No, we can NOT keep him. Special care required.

  2. dubravkamcvmd February 21, 2020 / 8:39 am

    Um, bees problem-solving..,where in their pinpoint-sized brains do they have this ability? I’m always amazed by the problem-solving abilities of social insects. Termites build structures that have openings oriented so that the structures take advantage of the weather for cooling and heating. How? How?

  3. Beth February 21, 2020 / 8:40 am

    Beekeepers, here. Hi, hello. Most everything written in the bee article is, well… :sigh: :shrug: …whatever. But the video is very cool.

    The birds basketball game wouldn’t play unless I agreed to ‘cookies’…and not the yummy kind. No biggie, just fyi.

    • dubravkamcvmd February 21, 2020 / 9:04 am

      I’m very interested. I’d love to hear your take.

  4. debg February 21, 2020 / 9:33 am

    Now I want some birds to train! They got GAME!

    Oh, that baby bear face. So kissable.

  5. Lucy'sMom February 21, 2020 / 10:03 am

    I never realized that NBA actually stood for National Bird Association. Who knew?! 😊

  6. Dulcie February 21, 2020 / 11:03 am

    Hey! An NBA I can get into! But I imagine they don’t make the same money or get big endorsements from Nike…

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