Freeze Frame

We have a special treat this afternoon, Cutetropolitans. Last month, reader Muppet2171 shared a photo of her friend’s dog Roxie Shaunte, looking very cute. Roxie has a sister, Lovey Louise, who is such a bundle of energy that Muppet couldn’t get a good picture of her. But now she’s happy to report that Lovey Louise held still long enough for her to snap this photo:

Hurry up, I feel some zoomies coming on!

And one more photo of Roxie Shaunte for good measure.

See, I know how to keep still!


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6 thoughts on “Freeze Frame

  1. JenDeyan April 2, 2020 / 2:43 pm

    Are those pups in need of cuddles? Because I feel the need to cuddle just looking at them.

    • Muppet2171 April 2, 2020 / 2:50 pm

      Long as you don’t mind getting slobbered on…Lovey will attempt to lick you to death.

        • Ricky & Bibi's Mom April 2, 2020 / 4:10 pm

          Ooh, she does!

  2. allein 🐾 April 2, 2020 / 3:16 pm

    Lovey Louise have lovely taste in upholstery. 🙂

  3. AJ April 2, 2020 / 3:25 pm

    Totally adorable!! And slobber away Lovey, I just love doggy kisses. My foster doggy Matilda has been picked up by another rescue group that handles strictly senior dogs called Frosted Faces. Here’s a pic of her from FB when they posted what dogs they had taken in that day. I love her one up and one down ears.

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