Weekend Open Thread

Happy Caturday, fellow Cutetropolitans! Today’s conversation cats enjoyed a rare snow day last month, and reader Michelle H. shared these photos:

We had a freak springtime snowfall in the Pacific Northwest, after an almost entirely snowless winter. Which means my kittens only just now get to experience the wonder that is snow.

cats in snow
It’s so fluffy!

I kinda expected them to hate it and to rush back inside, but they LOVED it. They ran their little paw prints all over the backyard.

cat in snow
Now I can remember where I’ve been!
You already voted!

28 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. AJ April 18, 2020 / 9:49 am

    Oh my goodness, they’re so fluffy and so adorable and so freakin’ fluffy! The lighter colored reminds me of my friends cat, Mr. Paddywhack. The weather has been so weird lately … you had snow and here in SoCal we’ve had major rain storms in April. Almost unheard of to have rain this late.

    So day whatever of the stay home order and not much going on. Need to get a few things from the store later or tomorrow. A new bagel store has opened promising old fashioned boiled NY style bagels along with other goodies so I’m heading over there to satisfy my carb craving. That’s my version of the candy store – I’ll have one of those, 2 of these and throw in a half dozen donuts.

    Pool cleaner is coming over later to take care of getting the spa ready for warmer days ahead. And maybe some cleaning. And maybe go visit our one friend we’ve stayed in touch with during this whole craziness.

    Stay safe everyone!

  2. Duckie 🐥 April 18, 2020 / 11:31 am

    Greetings, all.
    Feeling a bit better today. Actually got some sleep last night, which helped. Cool, rainy day.
    Peas are planted. New Year’s weight loss goal almost achieved.
    Gorgeous floofy kitties to look at.
    Have as good a Caturday as possible.

    • Dulcie April 18, 2020 / 4:10 pm

      Oh wow Duckie – what an accomplishment! Yay for you! 👏
      The floofie felines are mahvellous. Can’t say I am as excited about snow as they are. Wait…when I was a kid… definitely!
      Hope you are all healthy, present and accounted for today. The battle is not yet won but we’re getting there!
      Thanks Mike for this site. 😁

  3. Debg April 18, 2020 / 11:33 am

    These little guys make me so happy! They’re so adventurous and dapper in their little harnesses! Their reaction is quite different from any cat I’ve ever had who ventured into that fluffy white stuff. Or those stray kittens from years and years ago, trying to cross my snow-covered yard without actually touching the snow. I still laugh at that memory from about 20 years ago.

    We’ve had TWO freak snowstorms in Colorado this week. On Sunday, everything got a good soaking and then it snowed again on Thursday. Some places got more than a foot of snow! My poor garden is very confused. And fully hydrated, now that everything has melted.

    I took Friday off as a mental health day and it was as beneficial as I’d hoped. Really good to not sit at the computer in my basement! Instead, I sewed some masks, played with yarn, and took delivery of my new iPhone 11, which I got for the improved camera. Now that I’m making videos for work, and have completed an online course about photographing yarn and textiles, I’m keen on taking and editing better images of all my textile projects.

    It’s a lazy Saturday here. Must clean the house, sew masks for myself and loved ones, and do some cooking before produce goes bad. Unfortunately, all I want to do is loaf. If Bertie and Cheshire came to visit, they could probably get me up and moving! Such sweeties.

    • Dulcie April 18, 2020 / 4:16 pm

      Good idea to take the mental health day DebG. And bonus that it was so beneficial. I have to admit that I want one of those! Sounds ludicrous in these times, and possibly selfish, but I need a day to MYSELF. I think I will take a time-out on the phone calls and emails. I can’t get rid of hubby but he is pretty good at finding another room to be in.

  4. Debg April 18, 2020 / 11:38 am

    Almost forgot to share some important news! My big delivery of toilet paper arrived from Amazon! The seller actually shipped it this time. And the delivery person took extra care: they set it on my porch, then came back to wrap the see-through package in a big plastic bag. Maybe because it was snowing, or maybe to disguise the fact that it was toilet paper! I’ve rarely been so relieved in my whole life—was down to 2 rolls!

    • allein 🐾 April 18, 2020 / 12:26 pm

      Wow! The things that cause excitement these days!

      My friend actually ordered commercial grade TP and paper towels from Amazon. Since schools, office buildings, stores, etc. aren’t needing it so much these days, it’s a little easier to get. Not as nice to use, but hey, it does the job. (Her engineer husband was going to rig up some sort of dispenser since they’re bigger rolls than household TP.)

      I read an article about how the TP shortages aren’t really about “hoarding” (though some people certainly are doing that) but more to do with the fact that most people are normally out of the house for a good part of the day, using the bathrooms at school or work, so everyone being home all day means they use it up at home more quickly than they normally would. Also the production and supply streams for commercial vs retail sales are rather separate, so it’s not so easy to just convert the facilities that make the former to make more of the latter (and then if they do that, when we start going back to work and school, they’ll have the same problem in reverse). (Also consider that TP takes up a lot of shelf space in a store – I think the package I have fits only 3 deep on Target’s shelf – so even a relatively few people just buying one extra pack each will make the shelves look empty pretty quickly.)

      • Faye April 18, 2020 / 1:20 pm

        Good analysis!

  5. SoccerSue April 18, 2020 / 12:33 pm

    Lahara likes the snow, right up until she remembers that it turns into water when it hits her fur, lol!

    I keep forgetting to send photos to Mike…we bought a harness for her so we can keep better track of her when she goes out in the summer, and IMHO it looks absolutely adorable on her. She didn’t even seem to mind having it on, which was a relief. She’s been a free-range cat for almost 15 years, so I didn’t have high expectations for harness acceptance.

    We got our patio furniture all set up, patio pressure washed and sealed, etc…just in time for it to start raining. 😛 Today we’ll get some stuff done around the house while the weather’s bad, and then tomorrow work more on cleaning up the yard, bird bath, etc. I figure if we’re going to be home all summer, which is looking more and more likely, we might as well have a nice yard to hang out in.

    Have as good a weekend as possible, Cutetropolitans!

  6. allein 🐾 April 18, 2020 / 12:43 pm

    Good morn-, er, afternoon, everyone! Slept kinda late this morning, but I guess I needed it, because I don’t even feel like crap like I often do when I sleep in on the weekends. Haven’t slept super-well the last few nights what with all the anxiety and all. And last night I had a dream about a fire. It was in my house, I think, but it wasn’t the house I actually live in. I dunno, it’s pretty hazy at this point. Maybe I dreamed of fire because I was reading before I went to sleep and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire is a plot point in the book? I dunno.

    My plan for the day is to do some laundry, dishes, and finish my book. I think I’m on the last chapter and it expires in two days so I need to finish it. (I’d have to wait three days to be able to borrow it again.)

    I have to work Monday and Tuesday but then I’m on vacation the rest of the week. I was supposed to be off all week but that was scheduled before we started working from home and several people were furloughed (including the one who would have covered most of my stuff on a Monday; now I’ve been covering his stuff for the last few weeks instead). So I had to give up two of my days. I predict a lot of long weekends this summer so I can use all my time. Maybe I’ll be optimistic and aim for taking a full week at the end of September like I usually do (which is right before my time resets, though, so if I can’t do it I might cause myself a problem…I wonder if they’d make any allowances for the fact that things are so screwy and taking time off is more difficult and let people carry some days over. Probably not).

    I’m not much of a winter person, but I would love to play in the snow with these sweet kitties. Gray and wet here today, though. Not raining at the moment, but I think I heard some heavy rain early this morning while I was still half asleep.

    • allein 🐾 April 18, 2020 / 5:12 pm

      Well, I finished my book. One thing accomplished today…

  7. AJ April 18, 2020 / 1:23 pm

    Bagel shop was everything I wanted and then some! Nice crispy, chewy bagels and donuts were sweet but overly sugary. Plus a pimento olive cream cheese spread that was beyond yummy. Can’t wait to go back and sample more goodies.

    • AJ April 18, 2020 / 1:31 pm

      It should have said not overly sugary. Good balance and hubby said you could taste actual blueberries in the blueberry cake donuts.

  8. allein 🐾 April 18, 2020 / 5:12 pm

    • Julie April 18, 2020 / 5:22 pm

      I still want the cookies! 🙂

    • AJ April 18, 2020 / 5:36 pm

      Lol, I’d still take a chance with eating them.

  9. Dulcie April 18, 2020 / 5:57 pm

    I want the cookies and the kitty.

  10. allein 🐾 April 18, 2020 / 6:24 pm

    Today is my parents’ 50th anniversary.

    I kinda lost track of what day it is…now I feel bad because I was intending to do something.

    • Debg April 18, 2020 / 7:29 pm

      Happy anniversary to them!

      • allein 🐾 April 18, 2020 / 8:02 pm

        I meant to send them an ecard (since I couldn’t exactly go shopping) so they would get it in the morning but I completely forgot until my mom sent a picture a little while ago of the decorations she made. So I sent it then. They had dinner delivered from Bonefish Grill and got all dressed up and the neighbors across the street came over and took some pictures for them.

        I had been thinking about it all week and then today was just…huh? Is it Saturday?

        Thought about sending flowers but I don’t know if flower shops are essential…

  11. murkle46 April 18, 2020 / 6:28 pm

    • Debg April 18, 2020 / 7:30 pm

      It was bound to happen. Thank goodness the police have Facebook to remind people.

    • Alice Shortcake April 19, 2020 / 2:30 am

      Come on, people! A worldwide disaster is no excuse for not wearing pants in public!

      Yesterday morning I walked into the city centre for the first time in three weeks. The place was like a ghost town and there were very few cars on the roads, but I was surprised to see that quite a bit of construction work is going on as usual. Nearer home I’m glad to report that the chocolate factory is still churning out a vital part of our comfort food requirements.

      • Dulcie April 19, 2020 / 10:35 am

        Thank goodness for that!!

    • allein 🐾 April 19, 2020 / 12:10 pm

      lol…this was a question on Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me yesterday. 😀

      Tom Hanks was the guest. They asked him if that was his real kitchen on Saturday Night Live last week…he said it was at his “abandoned” office. In case anyone was wondering.

    • Faye April 19, 2020 / 8:47 pm

      The first unraveling of society?

    • Kar April 19, 2020 / 9:23 pm

  12. Recherche April 18, 2020 / 10:15 pm


    Normally I’m not a fan of big companies but I appreciate that they’re thinking of the kitties. On the other hand I’m not sure the cats would appreciate the house more than a standard box.

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