The Running of the Elk

After their meeting at the Elks Lodge last week, it looks like all of the elk decided to cut across the yard of reader Susan H., who sent this video and note:

I placed a Stealth Cam at the edge of our property and recently it filmed a herd of elk coming through. It’s like the running of the bulls but with elk! This is at the very top of a 600 foot hill, and it’s amazing how sure-footed these huge animals are when climbing up the hill to the ridge on some very narrow pathways.

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11 thoughts on “The Running of the Elk

  1. allein 🐾 May 4, 2020 / 1:34 pm

    Wow! That’s so cool!

    • ^oo^ May 4, 2020 / 11:32 pm

      Totally. Did you notice the temperature? Below freezing! In May!

  2. Ricky & Bibi's Mom May 4, 2020 / 2:15 pm

    That is really beautiful! Thank you so much, Susan H!

  3. SoccerSue May 4, 2020 / 3:18 pm

    Yay! I’m so glad Mike posted this!

    As if the elk weren’t cool enough, mother nature had a little surprise for us last week when a mama bear and her two cubs trekked through our yard, on three different days! This is the first time in 12 years at this house that we’ve seen them in the yard- I’ve caught them on the Stealth Cam a few times, usually at the edge of the next property. That property has been sold and is now being developed, so I’m assuming that’s whey they’ve moved over to our place. I have some good video of them from our security cameras; I’ll try to get them uploaded to YouTube and then link to them here so y’all can see them.

    • JenDeyan May 4, 2020 / 5:27 pm

      I’d very much like to see that. Thanks for the awesome video, as well.

  4. AJ May 4, 2020 / 5:53 pm

    So very cool Sue. If I remember correctly, you’re somewhere in Colorado. I would love to have some of these animals traipsing through my property. The only thing I get are rabbits or skunks and half the time we don’t see the skunks just pee-ewww!

    Funny story about skunks, I was walking up a path to my street next to one of our SoCal canyons and saw a black fluffy tail pop out and start walking ahead of me. Thinking it’s one of the local cats that wander during the day, I did my usual psst psst psst and well, the surprise was on me. Thankfully, not literally but Mr/Ms. Skunk gave me a ticked off look like how dare I try to engage them and I smartly let them get a very big lead ahead of me on the path.

    • SoccerSue May 4, 2020 / 10:02 pm

      Western Washington, actually- about 30 miles from one of the entrances to Mt. Rainier National Park. We have 3 1/2 wooded acres and the property next door is 2 1/2, so I’ve placed our stealth cam at various places on both over the years and gotten video of coyotes, bobcat, bears, elk, and of course lots of deer.

      Love the skunk story! I would have wet my pants when I realized what it was! 😀

    • JenDeyan May 4, 2020 / 11:36 pm

      Though stinky, skunks are very adorable. I would mind seeing one but not too closely.

  5. SoccerSue May 4, 2020 / 11:46 pm

    OK, here is one of the bear videos. This is what we first saw on our security camera- they were walking up the yard on the side of the house. I was so excited I went running out the back door to see if I could see them, then went running back in when I realized what a dumb idea that was, lol!

  6. SoccerSue May 5, 2020 / 12:23 am

    Here they are walking down our driveway towards the road. They got partway down and something startled them.

    By the way, I gave them names. Mama is Rona, short for Corona of course, and the babies are Lysol and Clorox. Seemed timely. 😀

  7. Michael May 5, 2020 / 10:12 pm

    Thanks for the bear videos, SoccerSue. When I’m the last post on a thread, I figure maybe nobody read it (there’s no way to tell), so I wanted you to know at least one person did revisit this comment thread and saw your contribution. As for running out the back door, with a black bear I assume they’d just have run off, but I agree there’s no reason to test that theory. The upside is you get to see the rear end of bears in person as they flee, the downside is … very bad.

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