Meet Moo!

If there ever was a dog that should have been named Spot, it’s Moo. But that’s OK, because Moo is a fitting name too.

That’s because Moo is a dachshund covered in tiny spots that make him look like a miniature cow. Try not to count them.

Moo lives a glamorous life in Miami, where he’s been known to strike a cheeky pose.

Look out! Here he comes!

Sub-MOO-ted by Arne! More Moo here!

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11 thoughts on “Meet Moo!

  1. allein 🐾 June 17, 2020 / 3:01 pm

    I can’t try to count them because I looked at those eyes and forgot how to count.

  2. debg June 17, 2020 / 3:07 pm

    Moo looks like a doxie in Dalmatian footie pajamas. Adorable! And he knows it!

  3. Duckie 🐥 June 17, 2020 / 3:16 pm

    The second image made my head splort

    • Puddleglum June 17, 2020 / 4:36 pm

      Me too. keels over

  4. Jendeyan June 17, 2020 / 4:55 pm

    There’s a ‘Tocktober pic.

  5. Elaine Williamson June 17, 2020 / 5:08 pm

    My neighbor had a dapple dachshund, his name was DD for Dapple Duncan. 😆

  6. AJ June 17, 2020 / 5:15 pm

    It looks like the printer started sputtering before the ink started flowing again at the back end, then finally just ran out of ink altogether. I’d never be able to leave the house if Moo was living with me, especially if he looked at me like in the first pic. Whatever you want, you can have it!

  7. Ricky & Bibi's Mom June 17, 2020 / 6:07 pm

    Mint Oreo ice cream with extra dark chocolate syrup and a few splashes of caramel. Yum!

    • tara June 17, 2020 / 9:34 pm

      Great R&Bs Mom, thanks. Now my head is splorted and I’m drooling.

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom June 18, 2020 / 9:54 am


  8. 6rabbits June 19, 2020 / 9:25 am

    The third pic looks like 2 separate dogs!😂

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