My Blade is Corrugated

In his hiding place within the shadows the patient assassin waits. Unlike the brutish goon of the village, his task requires utmost secrecy — to get in, commit the foul deed, and escape without detection, leaving no trace. In the morning, the palace guards will find nothing but the body of Archduke Grimsbury van Fleurms, covered in 10,000 paper cuts. It will be ruled an accident.

cat with cardboard sword
Hey, paper was dangerous in those days. (Imgur)
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3 thoughts on “My Blade is Corrugated

  1. allein 🐾 August 4, 2020 / 9:47 am

    They say the pen is mightier than the sword, but I think he’s going for the best of both worlds, here.

  2. Kar August 4, 2020 / 9:47 am

    Death by 10,000 paper cuts. I guess spontaneous combustion would’ve looked suspicious.

    That is the cutest little ninja!!

  3. ^oo^ August 4, 2020 / 11:49 am

    And if he’d just used his nails?

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