Ewoks in Suburbia

“Ever since we beat the Empire, it’s been quite a step up,” says Fleek Yubnub, one of many Ewoks relocated to the suburban planet of Snorgmor by grateful members of the Rebellion. “I mean, living in treehouses was kind of fun, but can we talk about air conditioning? And the supermarkets! It used to take about twenty of us to hunt down a  gnarfbeest for dinner, and now we can just hop in the speeder and buy what we want!”

dog at refrigerator
Kind of partial to ice cream, as you can see.

Nice to see them doing so well, Sharon H.

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11 thoughts on “Ewoks in Suburbia

  1. allein August 12, 2020 / 10:26 am

    Kinda looks like my freezer… 😉

  2. AJ August 12, 2020 / 10:52 am

    Heck with the ice cream. I wanna know what kind of dog is that and how did they manage to get him into clothes??? Plus a belt??? He looks like a little old man with all those whiskers.

    And don’t even ask about ice cream in this house. We have 2 pints and 2 larger containers in the main freezer, then at least 2 pints in the freezer in the garage. That doesn’t even include any Otter Pops, ice cream bars or mochi that’s stashed in various places. Obviously, we don’t like ice cream in this house. That horde includes my two new favorite non-dairy ice creams – Cado that’s made with avocados. I swear it tastes exactly like regular ice cream because it just has that creamy mouthfeel. And then there’s my new obsession – MyMo cashew mochi. I’m addicted to their salted caramel and neapolitan versions. The neapolitan has a chocolate rice wrapper, vanilla cashew ice cream inside and in the middle, strawberry puree. Perfection in a 100 calorie bite!

    • sixkatlady August 12, 2020 / 10:59 am

      I believe that is a Brussels Griffon. I follow Squid the Griff on Instagram and this looks like a brown version of Squid.

    • allein August 12, 2020 / 11:20 am

      I agree, this is a Brussels Griffon. Can’t help with the rest of your questions, though.

      I currently have a partial container of Turkey Hill All Natural Mint Chocolate Chip, half a pint of Haagen Dasz Spirits Collection Irish Cream Brownie (ate the other half last night), and an unopened container of Breyer’s Chocolate & Vanilla. I will be going to the grocery store after work tomorrow. We’ll see what happens.

      I saw a bit on the news last night and the reporter was standing in front of a bus with an ad for Oatly frozen dessert. It said something like “we can’t legally call this ice cream, but you can.”

      • AJ August 12, 2020 / 12:33 pm

        I hope the oat “ice cream” tastes better than oat yogurt. I tried a plain version of some brand the other day and oh dear lord, it was like eating wallpaper paste. Adding blueberries and granola to it made semi-palatable. No more oat yogurt for me.

        • allein August 12, 2020 / 1:44 pm

          They do make a yogurt (er, “oatgurt”). The only thing I’ve ever actually seen in a store is the “oat drink” (which I assume they cannot legally call “milk” for the same reason they can’t call the frozen dessert “ice cream”). Never tried it, though.

  3. Ricky & Bibi's Mom August 12, 2020 / 11:17 am

    The Brussels Griffon is adorable, but that outfit is just disturbing.

  4. EA Gorman August 12, 2020 / 1:28 pm

    I think ShiTzus look more like Ewoks than Brussels Griffons. Hope that little guy enjoys the ice cream.

  5. dubravkamcvmd August 12, 2020 / 1:36 pm

    I’m not understanding all this talk of the various ice creams people have in their freezers – how is that possible? No pint of ice-cream survives 24 hours in my freezer! I start off with a serving, and then go back repeatedly to the freezer until, at around midnight, I decide this is ridiculous and just finish the pint.

    • allein August 12, 2020 / 1:52 pm

      I had two pints of the Irish cream brownie. One of them may have been dinner the other night…

    • belphebe August 12, 2020 / 2:26 pm

      I had a barely-working fridge for years and the freezer didn’t keep stuff as cold as it should, so my ice cream didn’t last either. Now I have a working freezer but old habits die hard, plus I generally eat my frozen treats as soon as I buy them. That was the whole point in buying the treat.
      I’m actually surprised that I have frozen treats in my freezer right now. Some Haagen Dazs, some mango-peach fruit bars, and some popsicles.

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