Maru is just a big baby at heart. Whenever he kneads his treasured pillow and sucks on his pacifier, he is transported back in time to the simpler days of his youth. Even today, when his pillow is limp and depleted, and his pacifier is nothing but a cardboard replica, they still bring him relief from the madness of modern life.
That poor pillow, Andrew Y.
Maru is such a sweet baby.
I had to look up Flehmen response…
The flehmen response (/ˈfleɪmən/); from German flehmen, to bare the upper teeth, and Upper Saxon German flemmen, to look spiteful), also called the flehmen position, flehmen reaction, flehming, or flehmening, is a behavior in which an animal curls back its upper lip exposing its front teeth, inhales with the nostrils usually closed, and then often holds this position for several seconds.[1] It may be performed over a sight or substance of particular interest to the animal, or may be performed with the neck stretched and the head held high in the air.
Flehmen is performed by a wide range of mammals, including ungulates and felids.[1] The behavior facilitates the transfer of pheromones and other scents into the vomeronasal organ (VNO, or Jacobson’s organ) located above the roof of the mouth via a duct which exits just behind the front teeth of the animal.
(from Wikipedia)
Always so cute when he sticks his back leg up in the air XD <3
Maru is the sweetest/fuzziest baby. I’ve always wondered what that back leg action is all about.
It’s his “beauty leg” XD
Simpler days of his youth? SIMPLER DAYS OF HIS YOUTH!
He doesn’t do anything but eat and sleep. Can’t get any simpler than that. 🙄
Maru seemed a bit nonplussed by the changes at first.