Links: The Power of Love

Dogs love love, unflattered cats, dog gets guide dog, and we have a fat bear winner!

And finally: Look What I Gotta Put Up With

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6 thoughts on “Links: The Power of Love

  1. allein October 15, 2020 / 8:28 am

    I love how the puppy is pulling the cat by his tail while the cat just continues to play with the ribbon or whatever is on the floor there.

    Love the fence dogs. I saw that the other day. Watched it several times.

    I contend that there is no such thing as an ‘unflattering’ pet photo.

  2. AJ October 15, 2020 / 9:02 am

    That is one patient kitty. The fence dogs video is so sweet. I have a dog in my neighborhood who does something similar, there’s a big gap at the bottom of the fence so he lies there and watches the world go by.

  3. beemoused October 15, 2020 / 11:12 am

    That cat is either unbelievably patient or sedated! If that were my grey kitty, the dog would be a smear on the floor in 2.1 seconds. Such a sweet baby!

    • wuyizidi October 15, 2020 / 1:20 pm

      Is it a Scottish Fold, and aren’t they known for their calm temperaments?

      And yes if it were my cat, she’d bicycle kick the doggie with full force and claws extended.

  4. dubravkamcvmd October 15, 2020 / 3:57 pm

    The story of Tao and Oko is so sweet.

    • Arne October 15, 2020 / 5:16 pm

      Yes, it was. How can an 8-week puppy be so intuitive?

      Mike. How do I get back my old avatar? The one in use right now looks too much like 2020 me. 🥴

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