Rattle and Squ–EEK!

Once again, here’s Leighton “Lance” Boils
Welcome back, meat sacks! Looks like the campfire’s getting a little low, so toss a few more of Uncle Flurnston’s first editions on the fire while I tell another tall tale with a very unhappy ending:

“I’m telling you guys, I really did it! It was a mouse as big as my whole body, and I brought that bad boy down all by myself! You gotta believe me!”

The other cats just rolled their eyes and left. Herman had told so many tall tales that his friends never took him seriously anymore. But for once this was no tale. It was a dark night weeks ago, just like this one, and Herman had managed to corner the biggest rat he had ever seen. He dined well that evening — and savored the memory ever since.

Herman went home alone and laid down on the porch. It was late and the house was dark. He was about to replay his triumph in his mind once again when he heard a rattle in the distance, followed by a squeak.

Rattle… squeak. Herman looked around but saw nothing. Rattle… squeak. Was it on the sidewalk? Under the porch? Rattle… squeak. Frantic now, Herman looked everywhere for the source of the unsettling noise, until he came face to face with a hideous creature plodding towards him.

“I belieeeeeve yooooou, Hermaaaaaannnnn!”

cat looks at toy mouse skeleton

Looks like he’s got a bone to pick with Herman, Sharon H.

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7 thoughts on “Rattle and Squ–EEK!

  1. bunnylove50 October 30, 2020 / 12:42 pm

    Meat sacks! You are knockin’ it out of the park today Mike!

  2. Emsthemonster October 30, 2020 / 1:04 pm

    Could I make a fish, please? There was a lovely big brown dog on the banner a few days ago. It was wearing something red, yellow and green and had the warmest dog eyes you could ever imagine. Could we maybe keep this dog in the banner rotation even after Halloween, please?

      • Emsthemonster October 30, 2020 / 2:04 pm

        I’m not very good at fast food recognition, sorry 🙂

    • allein October 30, 2020 / 1:23 pm

      Hee! i just scrolled up after reading your comment and it’s the banner right now! 🙂

  3. AJ October 30, 2020 / 1:31 pm

    Bravo Mike!! This could be a lost Edgar Allan Poe story. Very shades of the tell tale heart. Loving the look on kitty’s face. I love Halloween and Mike is just killing it today (pun intended!)

    Since me and hubby can’t do our usual haunted back yard, I’ve made up goodie bags for the lil monsters in my neighborhood. Tomorrow afternoon, I’ll place them 10 at a time out on 2 tables at the end of my driveway while I sit 6 feet away masked and gloved. My costume is a pumpkin t-shirt with jack-o-lantern bobbly headband and an orange mask. Can’t wait to see them all dressed up.

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