Weekend Open Thread

Of all the weeks that ever were, this week was surely one of them, so now it’s time to relax in the chat room and talk about whatever. Joining us is Teller, who may be able to explain a few things, according to reader Muppet2171:

The face he’s making here can only be described as “Er…I can explain…” What he’s trying to explain, I have no idea.

No, it’s too complicated. Let me sum up.
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54 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. AJ January 16, 2021 / 9:04 am

    Good morning fellow Cutetropolians and Happy Saturday. Teller is as gorgeous as ever. Whatever explanation he can come up has got to be just as good or better than the talking heads out there. And everybody, please keep fingers crossed and think good thoughts that the US Inauguration Day goes off without a hitch. I’m finally seeing a bright light at the end of a very long tunnel and I’m just hoping it’s not a train wreck.

    Not much going on here, as usual. Dropping off hubby’s new toy, the Mustang, to get some repainting done. Then grocery shopping and maybe Goodwill. We have our friend officially staying with us (he’ll be paying rent upon his insistence) for the foreseeable future, and he comes with the most adorable set of kitties. Bam Bam is a tuxedo with a black dot on his nose and Pebbles is a brown stripped tabby sporting white socks. I’ll send in some pics for Mike to post.

    • debg January 16, 2021 / 11:17 am

      AJ and Mike, thanks for these adorable photos! Caturdays should always be filled with cats. Especially such cuties as Teller, Pebbles, and Bam Bam.

    • Dulcie January 16, 2021 / 12:41 pm

      Pebbles and Bam Bam – luv it!😁

  2. Georgiana January 16, 2021 / 9:08 am

    Snow has been falling here all night and will keep falling all of today, all in all we are supposed to get between 15 to 20 centimetres or 6 to 8 inches of snow. It doesn’t bother me since we can’t go anywhere anyway so I’ll sit down with a book or catch up on Netflix shows.

    Speaking to Netflix, last night I watched Hannah Gadsby’s show DOUGLAS, she is an Australian stand-up comic but works in the U.S. She uses a little bit of profanity, a few F bomb and C word but not too much, I laughed out loud at a lot of the jokes, she has my kind of humour.

    She is on the autism spectrum and has been diagnosed just a few years ago and the thing I found very interesting is that a girl I worked with and still am in contact with had the same experience of being diagnosed on the autism spectrum as an adult and I remember her telling me the exact thing that Hannah Gadsby said in her show “well that explain everything” and what a relief it was to know why she was the way she was.

    Well anyway that’s it for me, have a good weekend all.

  3. allein 🐾 January 16, 2021 / 10:01 am

    Happy Caturday, everyone. Teller doesn’t have to explain, as far as I’m concerned.

    Georgiana – I’ve seen Hannah Gadsby on one of the late night shows a while back, and she is on my “gotta check that out” list so thanks for the reminder.

    Not much going on, usual chores and such. Hopefully will get through my youtube watch later list today.

    In the spirit of New Year’s Resolutions…I don’t usually make them, but I’d pay 200 for this gym.

    • AJ January 16, 2021 / 10:37 am

      That’s funny!!! I’m not into gyms either but, uhm where do I sign up especially if those 2 will be my workout partners.

      • allein 🐾 January 16, 2021 / 10:57 am

        I especially like the rack of various-sized sticks in with the hand weights and kettlebells.

        • debg January 16, 2021 / 11:20 am

          The sticks had me howling. Such a great dad he is.

          • Dulcie January 16, 2021 / 12:47 pm

            I first saw rifles instead of sticks so once it sunk in that they were sticks I really had to snort-laff!

            • debg January 16, 2021 / 1:12 pm

              sign of the times

              • Kar January 16, 2021 / 7:55 pm

                Yoga is an hour of DOWNWARD DOG.


    • Georgiana January 16, 2021 / 10:56 am

      I love these videos so much!

  4. debg January 16, 2021 / 11:30 am

    Morning, everyone!

    This past week wasn’t as emotionally stressful for me, and I managed to meet deadlines for work. We had a pair of videos to finish that seemed doomed. But now they’re up on YouTube! Marketing Director and I feel that a great weight has been lifted.

    But, as AJ pointed out, this next week is likely to be pretty intense. So I’m again devoting the weekend to self-care. I can finish up some knitting gifts for family and friends, make more yarn, get my groceries delivered (my latest indulgence).

    I may even start organizing all my spinning and dyeing notes in a usable system–yesterday, I took a Zoom workshop about organizing your stash and crafting records so that your creative space feels like a creative space. Very Marie Kondo, I suppose, and it was really good. Best of all, the presenter demonstrated digital and analog methods for organizing records. She gave me lots to think about and, best of all, I already have most of the supplies (bought ages ago but haven’t used them). My new reusable notebooks will also come in handy!

    Hugs to you all. Hopefully we’ll hear from Luvbunny, who has probably had a really rough week after losing Leo, and Emsthemonster with a report on Marci.

    • allein 🐾 January 16, 2021 / 11:36 am

      I worry about my friend; she and her husband both work for the state and her office isn’t far from the state capitol building (not sure about him). I just hope these talks of protests don’t turn into anything bad.

      • Dulcie January 16, 2021 / 12:51 pm

        Oh dear. That is a concern. The unpredictability is so outrageous and generates so much fear.

        • allein 🐾 January 16, 2021 / 1:42 pm

          I’m hoping she can at least work from home on Wednesday. When I asked her how far she was from the capitol (she works for the attorney general) she said when she walks at lunch the capitol grounds is where she goes. But that was Tuesday and she said she didn’t go back into the office until Friday, so maybe her schedule next week will be the same.

          • Murray C. January 16, 2021 / 3:41 pm

            I have a friend who lives a couple of blocks from the Capitol and she has a hotel right across the street where many of the protesters were housed (they were only protestors at that time) so a lot of us are concerned for her.
            I hadn’t realized that LuvBunny had lost a bunny. So painful, LuvBunny, I am so sorry! I’m afraid I may be going down that road myself though too soon to tell. My little Fergus hasn’t been eating very much and his poops are very small (yes, TMI, but germaine) indicating a possible blockage, likely partial. I am giving him subcu fluids, syringe feeding him, giving him antibiotics. I have an appointment with the vet on Monday (third time in a little over a week) Thankfully, he’s not in any discomfort which has helped my anxiety level somewhat.
            Give Teller, Pebbles and BamBam a good tummy scratch and tell them it was from me!

            • Ricky & Bibi's Mom January 16, 2021 / 4:45 pm

              Sending healing vibes to Fergus!

            • Luv Bunny January 16, 2021 / 4:51 pm

              Murray, I really hope Fergus gets better soon! Our pets mean sooo much to us.
              Keep us posted.

            • debg January 16, 2021 / 8:47 pm

              Oh, Fergus! We’re sending healing purrs and good thoughts.

          • Murray C. January 16, 2021 / 9:57 pm

            I talked to my DC friend shortly after I posted my reply to you, Allein, and she said that, contrary to everyone’s assessments, that because there’s no traffic and that the National Guard presences is so apparent, that there’s actually a festive atmosphere. People are out walking and riding bikes. My friend has been chatting to the Guards who are housed in the hotel across the street from her. The hotel raised the prices so that the protestor types couldn’t afford to stay there. Restaurants are feeding the Guards. I’m sure it won’t stay like this – calm before the storm and all. When I got off the phone with her I read that someone with false credentials and a whole lot of explosives was arrested.

      • debg January 16, 2021 / 1:10 pm

        Your worry seems appropriate, but hopefully everything will go smoothly. Sending good thoughts and purrs their way.

    • Emsthemonster January 16, 2021 / 12:45 pm

      Thanks for asking, Debg.
      Unfortunately I don’t have any good news. Marci’s blood results are terrible, he didn’t react well to the treatment. (which cost a fortune of course)
      He is so depressed indoors that I let him out for a short time at noon when it wasn’t very cold. He was playing and jumping around in the snow. If we cannot save him, I will let him enjoy the little time he still has left.
      I really appreciate that you thought of us.

      • Dulcie January 16, 2021 / 12:54 pm

        Been thinking of you since your last post. I had a feeling that things might not be as rosy as you would like. But if he’s having fun and playing then you’re right… he’ll enjoy the time he has left. 💕

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom January 16, 2021 / 12:55 pm

        Sending more love and good wishes your way. Bibi and are I confident that you are making the right choices for Marci, every time. Extra cuddles to him from us!

      • debg January 16, 2021 / 1:11 pm

        Hugs and purrs.

        I love the mental picture of your sweet kitty jumping around in the snow.

        • Emsthemonster January 16, 2021 / 1:39 pm

          Thanks and hugs to all of you!

      • dubravkamcvmd January 16, 2021 / 3:01 pm

        The vision of Marci playing and jumping in the snow is wonderful, and heartbreaking. I remember close to the end with Minkette I held her and scratched and stroked her in a particular way that she really liked and she purred loudly. I remember it vividly.

      • Murray C. January 16, 2021 / 3:43 pm

        Damn! I can’t stand it, I’m so sorry. Yes, about all you can do is let him enjoy himself. I’m so sorry, Ems.

        • Emsthemonster January 17, 2021 / 1:44 am

          I’m so sorry for what you have to go through with Fergus, Murray 🙁
          Hugs to you

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom January 16, 2021 / 1:01 pm

      Yes, LuvBunny! Bibi and I are thinking of you.

      • Luv Bunny January 16, 2021 / 3:28 pm

        I normally don’t chat on Saturdays , just read the comments. So thanks so much for thinking of me , especially Ricky and Debg. It’s been a very sad week and I still feel some disbelief, Leo wasn’t supposed to be gone yet. It’s the little things that get me crying. He was adjusting to being the only bunny.
        Emsthemonster, I gather from other comments your cat Marci, isn’t doing well. I sure feel for you. I’m glad he got to enjoy a short romp in the snow.

        • Murray C. January 16, 2021 / 3:44 pm

          LuvBunny, my Fergus has been adjusting to be an only bunny and he’s not doing well. So I so very well understand. Condolences from one bunny Lover to another. (I know, everyone here is a bunny lover, but you get my drift)

          • Luv Bunny January 16, 2021 / 4:55 pm

            Murray, I just replied to your earlier comment. I hope Fergus is just sad but will rebound and get “his poop in the group”, as I’d say to my bunnies. Animals feel sad when losing their buddy (ies), so let’s hope that’s all it means.

            • Murray C. January 16, 2021 / 5:30 pm

              IT’s been months since he lost his Clementine, so I don’t think I can blame it on that. I’m afraid he was chewing on a piece of fabric and it may have caused a problem, I really don’t know. I have places covered with fabric where he can walk without slipping since the flooring of his pen is vinyl. He’s always made holes in things but nevever actually eaten the cloth. The X-rays will tell at least part of the tail. Of course, that makes me feel like a terrible bunny mom.

              • Luv Bunny January 16, 2021 / 6:04 pm

                Sometimes, I’ve used sea grass rugs to cover over flooring or carpet. If they chew it, it’s okay. It’s less costly to buy them from a liquidation place or even World Market. At a pet store, they’re too small and cost more, just a thought. And no, you’re not a terrible bunny mom. Not all bunnies eat cloth.

                • Murray C. January 16, 2021 / 9:52 pm

                  I have one little grass mat and he ignores it – it’s the one thing he doesn’t seem to like to chew or even lie on, though as he’s gotten older he seemed less likely to chew things. I think this has been a more recent bad habit. But thank you for your thoughts. If he gets through this I’ll keep in mind your advice.

        • Emsthemonster January 17, 2021 / 1:46 am

          Thank you, Luv Bunny. I also feel your pain, I lost Marci’s brother, Felix about a year ago also at a young age.

  5. Duckie 🐥 January 16, 2021 / 11:40 am

    Greetings, fellow Cutetropolitans.
    I’m in a rather grumpy mood today, and I’m hoping none of you are involved in my grump.
    I’m holding my breath for Wednesday.
    I’m stuck inside because people from a high covid count province are coming here to ski.
    All the things I want to buy are on the wrong side of the border.
    Perpetually runny nose.
    The shirt sleeves I cut out are all wrong.
    Hubby’s being a turd.
    Duckie bit me.
    There, I feel a bit better. All today’s fur babies are so lovable.
    Have a better day than I am, everyone.

    • allein 🐾 January 16, 2021 / 11:49 am

      Sending virtual hugs!
      (If a Duckie bites a Duckie, does that make Duckie a cannibal?)

    • debg January 16, 2021 / 12:07 pm

      Hugs, Duckie. Bit little duckie back, maybe?

      • Duckie 🐥 January 16, 2021 / 12:21 pm

        Nah. She’s too cute to bite. I kissed her on the top of her head, and she let go of my hand to go for my lip. Good thing she missed.

        • dubravkamcvmd January 16, 2021 / 12:32 pm

          I like how she’s not intimidated by your size.

    • Georgiana January 16, 2021 / 2:17 pm

      It’s OK Duckie, you are allowed to be grumpy. I think it’s good for the moral to growl at life and show it your teeth once in a while 😉

  6. Dulcie January 16, 2021 / 12:58 pm

    Hugs Duckie. That does sound like grump by a thousand cuts. ☹️ Some days/weeks are like that but the one coming up is an extra tough one.

    • Luv Bunny January 16, 2021 / 4:59 pm

      No, just no, for me. Monkey tails belong on monkeys. Even if they called it cat tails, still a no, for me.

    • Duckie 🐥 January 16, 2021 / 6:52 pm

      Can’t stop laughing.
      The one with the soul patch looks like a poop got missed.
      Allein, thank you so much for posting this tidbit.

      • allein 🐾 January 16, 2021 / 7:00 pm


        I like the guy holding the game of Bananagrams.

    • debg January 16, 2021 / 8:51 pm

      I have never before wanted facial hair, but now I do! Imagine a ringtailed lemur tail beard!!!!!

  7. Murray C. January 16, 2021 / 5:32 pm

    I thought men wore beards to relieve them of the necessity of shaving! This looks to be very labor intensive.

    • debg January 16, 2021 / 8:51 pm

      Cat hoomins need a sense of humor to deal with their fur babies. Especially when it’s time for a vet visit.

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