5 thoughts on “Here’s My Card

  1. AJ March 19, 2021 / 3:03 pm

    SQUEEEE!!! So fierce!! You can come protect my house anytime.

  2. Blue Footed Booby March 19, 2021 / 3:09 pm

    The fact that pupster isn’t zooming away while wagging maniacally suggests that he was handed the sign for the photo op, and obligingly took it with his gentle retriever lips. I like that a whole lot.

  3. Debg March 19, 2021 / 3:12 pm

    Ded again.

    Why are goldies so precious?

  4. Georgiana March 19, 2021 / 4:29 pm

    The unbearable cutenesses of puppy.

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