Links: Homecoming

Lost cat found, rabbit sanctuary, elephant remembers, immaculate conception, and anti-staring contest.

And finally: Don’t Look… Don’t Look…

It’s an anti-staring contest! (via Arne)
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16 thoughts on “Links: Homecoming

  1. allein 🐾 March 22, 2021 / 8:58 am

    Tiny yawning gibbon face!

    Priscilla reminds me of my grandmother with the tip of her tongue sticking out. She used to do that when she was concentrating on something like reading or doing needlework. After she died I started catching myself doing it, even though I never had before. I still catch myself once in a while.

  2. dubravkamcvmd March 22, 2021 / 9:13 am

    Peacebunny Island sounds like a great place for a retirement community.

  3. Jendeyan March 22, 2021 / 9:28 am

    Surprise baby! I just can’t stop laughing at how lonely Momo and Baby Daddy found love. I just enjoy when nature thoroughly thwarts so-called “human ingenuity”.

  4. Dulcie March 22, 2021 / 10:36 am

    The anti-staring contest…🤣

    • Debg March 22, 2021 / 1:25 pm

      It’s adorable!

    • Blue Footed Booby March 22, 2021 / 4:30 pm

      In doggy culture, eye contact is a dominance slash aggression thing. Mr Wiener is being polite.

  5. Georgiana March 22, 2021 / 10:41 am

    Rabbits as comfort animals, yes I can see that.

  6. Luv Bunny March 22, 2021 / 10:51 am

    Wish I could help out with Bunny Island. Better yet, how about I become a caretaker there, win- win. Nature often has ways of thwarting us humans, whether it be animals, weather, the environment, etc. I hope the elephant remembered the vet, who helped him get better and so happy the stray mommy cat and her kittens, found a place to feel safe.
    I just can’t understand why people don’t get their pets spayed or neutered and stop the unnecessary breeding. And if you no longer want or can’t keep your pet or livestock, then take it to a shelter or re-home it and NOT let it outside to fend for itself. And if it’s a wild animal, you may not care for it, but respect it, because it’s only trying to survive, just like we are.
    Okay, getting off my box and moseying on.

    • Dulcie March 22, 2021 / 11:12 am

      Oh Luv Bunny you are on my soapbox! I have very strong feelings about how people can treat animals like toss away garbage!! The story of the mom who found the neighborhood “feral” cat in her daughter’s bed…it actually “belonged” to a neighbor who neglected it. It had to be taken to the vet and treated for fleas and worms. And then there was a request to be able to share the cat!! OMG those neighbors shouldn’t be allowed to have pets. SIGH.

      Dulcie has left the soapbox…

      • Emsthemonster March 22, 2021 / 12:06 pm

        The neighbour I have mentioned here a few times – the one that keeps staring at us pretending to prune his bushes – has 2 absolutely neglected dogs. The dogs usually get fed and get water but that’s all about it. Those dogs haven’t walked on a leash for years. Consequently they howl/bark out of boredom night and day and especially when they see their owners leave the house. Then it is unbearable…

        • Dulcie March 22, 2021 / 12:20 pm

          Heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking. I can’t even think about what happens to all the pandemic pets.

        • Kar March 22, 2021 / 9:36 pm

          Well, that pissed me off. why the f bother having dogs?

          • Emsthemonster March 23, 2021 / 6:24 am

            Meanwhile they think they are the best dog owners of the world…
            I have already offered to walk their dogs for them, buy proper food for the dogs, hoping for some sleep at summer nights…

  7. Debg March 22, 2021 / 3:37 pm

    Such excellent links! I’m so happy Muffin found his family again, and the elephant remembered his vet, and Priscillla has an “elvis sneer,” and gibbons found a way to do what gibbons do.

    Peacebunny Island sounds heavenly. That young man has a heart of gold.

  8. 6rabbits March 22, 2021 / 10:34 pm

    Some bunnies love to be held and it brings such a peaceful feeling to the human. And they are so soft they are perfect to cuddle with.
    So why does Bunny Island have to be located where it’s hot, dagnabit!? This is the place I need to retire for heavens sake! I know I’ll never make it to the Japanese bunny island so it will have to be here. sigh

    • 6rabbits March 22, 2021 / 10:36 pm

      P.S. The boy has a book out!! It’s available on Amazon. There is a link in the article.

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