Maru Puts the “Ooze” in “Snooze”

People like to say that cats are liquid, but in scientific fact cats are made of a viscous material that becomes more fluid as the cat relaxes. It is in such a state that we find Maru, who liquefies lazily, confident the box will hold him. Sadly, it does not, creating a severe Maru spill. They just don’t make boxes like they used to.

Later, Maru observes Kitten Miri puzzled about a clear bowl, so Maru decides to teach her how to squeeze into one. Alas, the young one finds Maru’s example too “dynamic” which marks the first time the words “Maru” and “dynamic” have ever appeared together.

But this awkwardness is soon forgotten, because it is time for the Star Festival, when wishes are hung from the bamboo tree. Soon the tree is decorated with lofty wishes such as “Peace” but Maru, watching the festivities from his favorite swing, just wishes someone would give him a push.

via Andrew Y., who makes our Maru wishes come true.

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9 thoughts on “Maru Puts the “Ooze” in “Snooze”

  1. Duckie 🐥 July 10, 2021 / 11:34 am

    “Severe Maru spill”?
    Haven’t snortlaughed that hard in weeks!

    • Dulcie July 10, 2021 / 11:46 am

      I was going to remark on that too Duckie!! A non-hazardous, but still severe, spill!!

      Hope you are feeling well Duckie.

  2. Andrew July 10, 2021 / 12:25 pm

    I hope your wishes come true Maru, Hana, Miri! >:3 XD

  3. Dana July 10, 2021 / 12:45 pm

    So much to love about all 3 videos. 😻

    But, my favorite has to be Maru, laying on the swing, just chillin’ and gently swaying. (And, seriously who, but Mugu, would put a swing in their living room for their cat?? And, what cat but Maru would actually use it??)

    Whenever I need a good laugh, I re-watch the video of Maru learning to get on the swing for the first time (while simultaneously mastering the cha-cha dance). Makes me howl every time.

    • Dulcie July 10, 2021 / 12:57 pm

      Yes! That’s exactly it Dana…the Cha Cha! 🤣

  4. allein 🐾 July 10, 2021 / 1:51 pm

    Love their wishes. Mostly food. Not surprising.

  5. dubravkamcvmd July 10, 2021 / 2:02 pm

    I love Maru flat on his stomach on the swing with his legs dangling. Sigh. Soul Satisfaction.

  6. Maxlover July 11, 2021 / 1:47 am

    If Maru were lava, he’d be the slowly oozing pahoehoe type.

  7. Debg July 11, 2021 / 2:35 pm

    Mugumogu has created such a sanctuary of peace, love, and contentment in her house. It always makes me happy to visit her gorgeous cat-enrichment playland.

    Especially when Miri is so playful, Hana so boxed in, and Maru such a swinger!

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