I Shall Howl for You the Song of My Ancestors

Although the modern husky is a domesticated beast, deep within it beats the heart of the wild wolf from whence it came. This primal spirit yet endures, passed down through the generations in the form of a haunting melody, performed here by Haiku the Husky with accompaniment by Mr. and Mrs. The Kiffness.

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8 thoughts on “I Shall Howl for You the Song of My Ancestors

  1. Dubravkamcvmd September 7, 2021 / 4:50 pm


  2. Georgiana September 7, 2021 / 6:51 pm

    He’s very talented, and the guy is not bad either.

    • fkaWaldenPond September 7, 2021 / 7:24 pm

      😀 I was wondering why the down vote and aha! contentious lyrics! voila! or rather ohwwweoooooo as Haiku would express.

      • allein 🐾 September 7, 2021 / 7:31 pm

        Maybe someone doesn’t like autotune…

        • fkaWaldenPond September 7, 2021 / 8:19 pm

          Valid point…

  3. allein 🐾 September 7, 2021 / 6:52 pm

    I love this guy more with every video.

    • Debg September 7, 2021 / 9:54 pm

      I know, right! This one is hilarious on every level. I think Mr. and Mrs. Kiffness need Three Wolf Moon tees, though.

      I would dance to this song and I can’t even dance.

  4. Maxlover September 8, 2021 / 9:02 pm

    This song is 100x better than most of the crap on the airwaves nowadays. I really HATE autotune, although in this case it works perfectly. The song also reminds me of the (in)famous Ylvis video for “What Does The Fox Say?”, which was intended to be the worst video ever made, but which ended up being a huge hit.

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