The Last of the Bridge Trolls

For over two hundred years, my family worked under the old Floongenburg Bridge, robbing every traveler who crossed. Then they built the expressway, and that was the end of it. Eventually the bridge collapsed and folks carted off the stones for souvenirs. Managed to track this one down, and now I shake down this nice older couple for scraps.

Raccoon hides behind large stone slab
They’re not really scared but they pretend, and I respect that. (Reddit)
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5 thoughts on “The Last of the Bridge Trolls

  1. allein 🐾 December 6, 2021 / 3:11 pm

    Looks awfully scary to me…

  2. AJ December 6, 2021 / 3:17 pm

    That is one cute troll!! I’ll gladly Stand and Deliver any and all treats.

  3. Dubravkamcvmd December 6, 2021 / 3:19 pm

    Genius , Mike! If this was anywhere near me, I’d stop by daily to pay up.

  4. Georgiana December 6, 2021 / 3:28 pm

    I would pay up for sure!

  5. Luv Bunny December 6, 2021 / 6:09 pm

    That’s a lot cuter troll than the ones in story books. I’ll gladly pay the toll in food scraps.

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