Kickin’ Bebeh Trunkster!

A playful baby elephant practices to be the next breakout soccer star, but needs a soccer mom to coach. Will mama get off of the sidelines and play ball?

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9 thoughts on “Kickin’ Bebeh Trunkster!

  1. Dubravkamcvmd April 1, 2022 / 2:39 pm

    OK, top 5 sweetest videos ever!

  2. allein 🐾 April 1, 2022 / 2:43 pm

    I love his little flop onto the ground at the end. Don’t know if it was on purpose but it was adorable.

    • Murray C. April 1, 2022 / 9:22 pm

      Agreed. I’m continually amazed at how play is essential to all beings. I’m still grinning ear to ear over this.

  3. Georgiana April 1, 2022 / 2:45 pm

    Forget Pelé and Beckham this is the greatest soccer/football player of all time!

    • 6rabbits April 1, 2022 / 11:23 pm

      I was gonna say—elephant soccer?

  4. Luv Bunny April 1, 2022 / 2:58 pm

    That was so cute and I did like the flop at the end. Glad mama decided to join in the fun. Get more elephants together and let the games begin.

  5. Debg April 1, 2022 / 3:31 pm

    I would totally watch heffalump soccer. Start a league, somebody!

  6. Duckie 🐥 April 1, 2022 / 4:33 pm

    Love the panda like walk when the bebeh was stuck on top of the ball.

  7. AJ April 1, 2022 / 5:17 pm

    So adorable and sweet. And that soccer ball is huuuge, almost as big as baby heffalump and definitely bigger than its head. Need to get a Spanish or Italian soccer play by play broadcaster to announce the games. Dun de dun, de dun DE DUN and GOOOOOAAAALLLLLLLL!!!

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