10 thoughts on “Man, That Was Some Good Kibble

  1. Ricky & Bibi's Mom June 22, 2022 / 5:01 pm

    I want to oh, so gently kiss that little round belleh.

    • 6rabbits June 22, 2022 / 8:37 pm

      Next in the snorgle line!

  2. Dubravkamcvmd June 22, 2022 / 5:04 pm

    It’s impossible to look more contented.

  3. Allein 🐾 June 22, 2022 / 5:16 pm


    There’s a few pieces left…maybe he’ll finish when he wakes up…

  4. Dulcie June 22, 2022 / 5:39 pm

    Uh. I’m not sure if rubber chicken got enough to eat. ☹️ Looks like its eyes should have little X’s on them. 😲

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom June 22, 2022 / 6:54 pm


  5. Georgiana June 22, 2022 / 6:49 pm

    I just want to gently rub that belly.

  6. AJ June 22, 2022 / 7:05 pm

    I’m going in folks to snorgle that belly! Looks like some people (me included) after Thanksgiving dinner.

  7. Duckie 🐥 June 22, 2022 / 8:12 pm

    This was posted in March. I’m glad for a double post. That tummy needs the extra room.

    • Debg June 22, 2022 / 9:46 pm

      I knew I’d seen this before. Still adorable and hilarious.

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