Maru Meets Manic Monkeys

Maru, Hana and Kitten Miri had planned to go camping in the backyard, but due to a scheduling mix-up their reservation has been given to a family of monkeys.

After Hana scares off the interlopers, the outing can proceed. However, Maru still finds himself sharing a tent.

Now the entire tent seems to be crawling with invisible visitors! Can’t a fella enjoy nature in peace?

What an intense cat, Andrew Y.

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9 thoughts on “Maru Meets Manic Monkeys

  1. Andrew June 25, 2022 / 12:07 pm

    Must be neat getting monkey visitors every now and then XD
    Much like the last video… that’s the only kind of visitor I’m getting…

  2. ^oo^ June 25, 2022 / 12:08 pm

    Maru’s tent play IS in tents!

    • Dana June 25, 2022 / 12:13 pm

      Haha, I see what you did there! 😻

  3. Dubravkamcvmd June 25, 2022 / 2:03 pm

    Mugumogu, Maru, Hana and Kitten Miri have monkey visitors?!?! I’m so jealous. Hana is so brave to stand her ground and fight the monkey. I’m happy to see the netting at the top of the fence. I often worried that Kitten Miri would leap from the tree over the fence.

  4. allein🐾 June 25, 2022 / 3:34 pm

    How is Manic Monkey not a Bangles parody video?

  5. Carlotta June 25, 2022 / 4:33 pm

    I just want to crawl into one of those tents. I might be small enough to curl up in the largest one with Kitten Miri! She looks so soft!

  6. Michael June 26, 2022 / 1:50 am

    I still can’t wrap my head around having monkeys in the yard. Squirrels, yes. Monkeys are a zoo animal, to me. But it’s more than that. They’re too SMART to have running around loose. It’d be like having a bunch of feral children scampering around the neighborhood doing whatever they want with no adults responsible for them. I guess in monkey-inhabited areas, it seems normal.

    • Dubravkamcvmd June 26, 2022 / 7:05 am

      Feral children! That’s a great description. At least the macaques are small. I’ve read that people who work with/study chimpanzees always keep bars between them and the chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are our size but much stronger and “mercurial.”

      • Michael June 27, 2022 / 3:42 am

        Chimps used to be used more in entertainment than they are now (probably due to sensitivity about exploitation) and I think they always used baby or at most juvenile chimps. People got the idea from that that chimps are small and harmless. But as I understand it — and as you said — an adult chimp can rip your arms off — and might. I think the most recent “Planet of the Apes” movies were accurate, if only in that regard. They’re not as TALL as us (because of short back legs because they usually walk on all fours), but MUCH stronger. Superficially it seems like muscle fiber should all be the same, but apparently it’s possible to have muscles that are stronger for their size, and chimps do.

        I realize there are plenty of places where people live right next to dangerous animals and have to be careful. Heck, there are plenty of places in the U.S. where residents have to watch out for bears or cougars. I just think of Japan as being all built-up and civilized. And then wild monkeys appear …

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