Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to another Caturday and the open thread. Today we welcome back Mrs. Hatte Perkins, striking a pose that’s very… ehrm, interesting. Perhaps sender-inner JEC can tell us what’s going on here:

I don’t… I can’t… Ummm..I got nuthin. She’s just so odd.

Cat sits in a pose that accentuates its belly size
All rightie, then.
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32 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Dubravkamcvmd August 13, 2022 / 8:24 am

    We should all be as unselfconscious

  2. Ricky & Bibi's Mom August 13, 2022 / 8:44 am

    Oh, I dunno. Looks to me like it’s not the pose, it’s the camera angle. I admire Mrs. Hattie Perkins’ security in herself.

  3. Tara August 13, 2022 / 9:05 am

    She’s a beauty queen! and she knows it. 👑

  4. AJ August 13, 2022 / 10:08 am

    Perspective peeps! Or in this case forced perspective, definitely the camera angle. No matter the pose or how the camera views her, Ms. Hattie is gorgeous. Thor likes to sleep/lie in unusual poses too. First time he squished himself between 2 pillows on the bed to sleep, I almost had a heart attack ’cause I thought he had rolled and was stuck. Silly boy, thank goodness Valkyrie sleeps normally.

    Not much going on, just trying to stay cool like everyone else. Doing laundry and other chores before it gets too hot. Then now that the pool has been cleaned, probably go in later and also introduce the dogs to the water and see how they like it. Got life vests for them too to keep them safe. Planning to have breakfast with hubby’s buddy tomorrow and run errands. Happy weekend everyone!

  5. allein🐾 August 13, 2022 / 10:13 am

    Always love a visit from Mrs. Hattie.

    Not much going on this weekend. I was off yesterday and my mom and I ended up going to the building my parents worked in for years (35 for my dad, 10 for my mom as an employee before my brother was born and another 13 as a temp starting when I was 11). It was Bell Labs and is now Bell Works; the lower floor has some restaurants and stores, an indoor golf place, an escape room and some other stuff. There’s even a branch of the county library. In the middle is a big fake-grassy area with big pillows you can flop on (some kids were playing there), a basketball court and a couple ping-pong tables, and tables where you can take your food if you don’t want to eat inside the restaurants. The upper floors are office spaces.

    We got lunch and then wandered to the end and back up the other side where we got ice cream along the way. On the way home we stopped at the park on a whim and walked through the living history farm there, you can just walk through and read the signs and stuff; they also do tours of the farmhouse, but only on weekends, but we did get to see them walking the cows up to the barn for milking. If the cows allow it, visitors can try their hand at milking. We didn’t do that, but as one of the girls was doing her spiel about the cows and what they do with the milk (most of it goes to the pigs and leftovers go to the chickens) a white cat came along and went up into the barn. I guess he knows when milking time is!

    Today I need to do chores. My house is getting out of hand.

  6. allein🐾 August 13, 2022 / 10:15 am

    Oh, yeah, I came across this during the week and thought of some folks here. Pretty neat.

    • Dulcie August 13, 2022 / 4:43 pm

      That is pretty neat!

  7. debg August 13, 2022 / 10:22 am

    Happy Caturday! It’s great to see Mrs. Hattie P again. I think it’s a Mae West pose.

    I’m feeling overwhelmed with unpacking. Went back to the house last night to pick up the VERY LAST LOAD of stuff and to say goodbye–my beloved Mr. Tibbles is buried there, and I got to see my outdoor feral one last time. Thank goodness it was the last load: my condo cannot hold any more boxes!

    At least I’ve got two days free now, to take one step at a time. Figure out how to turn on the water in the laundry room. Move all the broken-down boxes to the garage, so my friend can pick them up for her move. Work methodically room by room, figuring out where to store things. Then, maybe, I can sit down with some knitting or spinning.

    Hugs to you all. Stay cool if you’re looking at a hot weekend.

    • allein🐾 August 13, 2022 / 10:34 am

      One box at a time!

      Supposed to be in the mid-80s today and tomorrow and mid-70s on Monday and Tuesday (possible rain on Tuesday).

      Here’s today’s shameless animal video from CNN.

      • 6rabbits August 13, 2022 / 11:16 am

        That is just awesome! Who woulda thunk?

      • debg August 13, 2022 / 11:24 am

        That’s beyond adorable. Pugsley in the bird cage made me HOWL.

      • AJ August 13, 2022 / 12:09 pm

        Thanks for sharing, this is so cute. I was laughing so hard in some spots. Her response to her friend, I don’t know I just live here had me on the floor. And kitty in the bird cage had me howling too.

    • AJ August 13, 2022 / 4:20 pm

      Glad to hear the move went as smoothly as any move could. I always said I didn’t mind moving, it was the packing and unpacking that was the worst parts. Do one room at a time was my method. Otherwise you have a little done here, some done there and the place looks like a tornado gone through for much longer.

    • Kar August 13, 2022 / 11:23 pm

      I’m exhausted just reading this.

      I”m sending you a mental home warming gift.

  8. 6rabbits August 13, 2022 / 11:18 am

    Deb, Unload everything you must have immediately—like kitchen and bath stuff. Then go for the rest as you can! 😉

  9. debg August 13, 2022 / 11:25 am

    Thanks for the support, everybody. I missed you all last week when I didn’t have Internet!

  10. Duckie 🐥 August 13, 2022 / 11:46 am

    Quick catch up.
    No new covid cases in family. I’m still feeling hammered. Hubby ready for a hike.
    Hospital has decided they will not release my FIL to live on his own. He’s being kept safe there until a place opens in a home. We are overjoyed that we have been listened to, and are just hoping it’s a home nearby. Deb, I’m with you on the feels: we have to empty his apartment this week.
    Lost over twenty pounds in last three weeks.
    Miss Hattie, the camera doesn’t do you justice. It doesn’t show your heart.
    Have a safe weekend.

    • Kar August 13, 2022 / 11:25 pm

      Mixed news it sounds like but sometimes its easier coming from someone besides family.

      We had adult services do an in-home visit for my great uncle to assist with the move to more care.

      Please drink a lot of fluids.

  11. Georgiana August 13, 2022 / 12:26 pm

    Mrs Hattie is definitely doing a “come up and pet me sometimes” Mae West pose.

    The timing of the adoption of my two new fur babies a week before my BIL passed away couldn’t have been better because they really keep me busy and they also entertain my SIL when she comes over in the evenings. Yesterday both of them got the zoomies at the same time and were chasing each other doing parkour through the whole house, Minnie was looking at them like they were from outer space!

    Speaking of Minnie she got unwell and refused to eat for a couple of days about a week after we got the kittens, we took her to the vet who did blood works and it turns out she has hyperthyroidism so she is on medication now and back to eating normally.

    Have a good weekend all.

    • debg August 13, 2022 / 3:00 pm

      Kitties have amazing healing powers. I’m glad you and SIL are able to find some solace from their silliness.

  12. allein🐾 August 13, 2022 / 12:44 pm


    • Duckie 🐥 August 13, 2022 / 1:15 pm

      I can imagine the love bird doing this.

    • AJ August 13, 2022 / 4:14 pm

      Allein is finding the best videos today. That was awesome plus the worker was so sweet and patient with the dog, helping to put them on the slide. And the waggy tail!!!!!

    • Kar August 13, 2022 / 11:26 pm

      I think that the staff are enjoying as much as the pup

  13. Alice Shortcake August 14, 2022 / 12:17 pm

    Some good news from the Shortcakery – my dad’s leg ulcers are much better, and from next week onwards they can be treated at our local surgery five minutes’ walk from home instead of having to travel by taxi to the other medical centre.

    • Dubravkamcvmd August 14, 2022 / 2:52 pm

      Great news!

    • Georgiana August 14, 2022 / 3:43 pm

      Good news indeed!

  14. Not That Mike The Other Mike August 14, 2022 / 6:39 pm

    Hello, everyone! Just a bit of news about Teddy: I was recently reminded that he moved in with me three years ago.

    Early on I noticed that one of his canine teeth was essentially dead, although not causing him pain. In the past, his vet said it could stay, but they changed their mind recently and advised me to have it pulled, along with five incisors.

    So that’s what they did, and now he’s home recovering nicely, eating only soft food instead of his normal dry. I secretly enjoy whenever he has to have anesthesia, because he’s always super affectionate in the hours afterwards.

    Anyway, he’s fine, and likely to be much healthier going forward.

    • Dubravkamcvmd August 14, 2022 / 7:12 pm

      That’s really good news. He may well be happier (and more affectionate) all around with problematic teeth removed.

    • 6rabbits August 14, 2022 / 8:02 pm

      Glad to hear it!☺️

    • allein🐾 August 14, 2022 / 9:09 pm

      Aw, poor baby. Glad he’s doing okay.

  15. Pam S. August 15, 2022 / 2:00 pm

    Ms. Hattie: “Back in the day, I used to model for that famous artist Picatso. Perhaps you’ve heard of him?”

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