Moody Maru

Maru’s house has cat food vending machines, but Maru as always doesn’t have exact change. This isn’t a problem for light-fingered Hana, but Maru cannot master her technique. This makes him sad.

So Maru seeks the comfort and solace of the crinkly paper bag, which is both satisfying and slimming.

Maru Lowers the Bar

Previously, the cats navigated the Hall of Hurdles, but Maru just bulldozed his way through. Surely lowering the bars will make it easier, right?

via Andrew Y.

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6 thoughts on “Moody Maru

  1. Dana October 15, 2022 / 1:27 pm

    Hana: graceful athlete
    Kitten Miri: timid tomboy
    Maru: Maru

  2. Andrew October 15, 2022 / 6:32 pm

    Yep, that’s the only way to describe Maru XD He is just Maru

  3. Elizabeth October 15, 2022 / 7:28 pm

    Maru needs a sitter to assist with the vending machine issue. I volunteer. At your service, Your Roundness.

  4. allein🐾 October 15, 2022 / 8:00 pm

    “Does this bag make my butt look big?”

    • Sedro6 October 15, 2022 / 10:04 pm

      No, just extra floofy.

  5. Dubravkamcvmd October 16, 2022 / 2:54 pm

    It’s impressive how each kitteh consistently expresses his or her personality in dealing with the hurdles.

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