Greetings, mortal! It is I, Meowsmus the Mysterious, here to offer my magical services! For a mere bag of gold I will summon music of the spheres to… oh, you have one of those music-playing systems, right. Well, then, I can conjure magical maps to guide you on… you have that on your phone? Um… vacuum your floors? Robot, got it.
Abra-cat-dabra, Andrew Y.
Holy Moly! I LOVE HIM AND MUST HAVE HIM! “Come with Me, Meowsmus! I will give you all the Tuna you desire.” Continuous grabby hand motions ensue!
Can we share him?
Next in line! What a cutie!
Me too! That expression! Adorably hilarious and hilariously adorable!
Looks like Dobby to me! What a cutie!
Can you spontaneously purr? While sitting in my lap? You can?
That’s magical.
You make my heart happy that’s true magic!
Count me in line with grabby hands for this delightful morsel. Look at that face! He haz a sad that no one has use for his magical powers but just being you is magical enough for me. I love the headline from the Imgur post – The lil wizard manifested in my sock drawer and asked if I would accompany him on a quest .. do I go? Uh, yeah!!! I would definitely go on quest with him.
If he can render himself invisible at appropriate times, he can live with me.