11 thoughts on “I Have Some Complaints

  1. Georgiana August 15, 2023 / 5:13 pm

    I actually do microwave left over cold cat food when my 16 year old cat is feeling fussy.

  2. allein 🐾 August 15, 2023 / 5:17 pm

    When I was a kid they didn’t really sell dog food in small-dog portions, just standard sized cans (or at least that’s what my mom bought, but I don’t remember seeing other kinds), which were too much for our mini Schnauzer, so the leftovers went into the fridge (we had a special lid that fit on the cans). We absolutely microwaved it for her! (Not when it was a new can at room temp, but we certainly didn’t give her ice cold food every other day.)

    (I also laugh at the dog food commercials where the mother-in-law or girlfriend is disgusted at the person keeping a bag of fresh dog food (unopened, even) in their fridge. I don’t see the problem…)

  3. Kar August 15, 2023 / 5:23 pm

    My father always complained that our pets got better healthcare than 90% of the world’s human population but when his kitty was sick, Dad became irrational over his care.

    Mom had to apologize to the vet who just shrugged, probably sees crazy pet parents every day.

  4. Kar August 15, 2023 / 5:25 pm

    My coworker complains that his dog won’t eat until late a night. Realized that he was waiting to see if he was going to get what his dad was eating so why fill up on kibble when you have a salmon burger coming?

  5. Tara August 15, 2023 / 5:26 pm

    I don’t have a microwave, so I just add hot water to the refrigerated food. It makes it smell yummy again (I’m assuming on the yummy part) and they lap it up like it’s stew.

  6. AJ August 15, 2023 / 5:49 pm

    Wow, talk about a list of demands. Guess the human better up their standards before they get fired by “homeowner”.

    Thor and Valkyerie are very spoiled. Sometimes I think there’s more of their food in the fridge than for us humans. They get FreshPet slices, carrots, frozen blueberries, frozen green beans, and even homemade doggy ice cream. And don’t mention popcorn around them, they loooove that stuff.

    • 6rabbits August 15, 2023 / 6:29 pm

      My rabbit always knows when I’ve popped corn, even if I’ve been sly about it, and comes begging for pieces. (I only give her 5 cos it’s not great for buns.)
      And that is an amazingly cute kitty, btw!

  7. tara August 15, 2023 / 6:23 pm

    Just back to say this photo is even better on the “big screen”! (laptop). Those whiskers! 🥰

  8. Dana August 15, 2023 / 7:05 pm

    Cutie, your wish is my command!

  9. Blue Footed Booby August 16, 2023 / 8:59 am

    Every other Friday or so I go over to a friend’s house for Stupid Movie Night. He has this enormously floofy (and also quite chonky) tuxedo cat I call The Noise Orb. Whenever she hears I’ve arrived, she starts screaming and walks up to me, in that order. So I’ll hear cat yelling from upstairs, doppler shifting as it heads my way at speed. She stands in front of me making that face, yelling until I pet her. If I stop petting too soon, the yelling resumes. I’m told she doesn’t really do this for anyone else.

    • allein 🐾 August 16, 2023 / 9:12 am

      Aww, she loves you!

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