Food Fight!

Baby elephant Chaba just wants to enjoy her fun-size pumpkin treat, but naughty Pyi Mai insists on stealing a piece for herself, resulting in an impromptu game of foodball.

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5 thoughts on “Food Fight!

  1. Ricky & Bibi's Mom October 24, 2023 / 5:21 pm


  2. AJ October 24, 2023 / 6:47 pm

    Too dang funny. Just like two kids – mine, no MINE! I wonder if the stepping on it is the elephant equivalent of licking it? Nah nah, I licked it so it’s mine now. I couldn’t tell but did Chaba end up being able to enjoy some of her phumkin or did Pyi Ma get it all?

    • allein 🐾 October 24, 2023 / 6:59 pm

      I lost track of who was who!

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom October 24, 2023 / 7:56 pm

        Play-by-play from YouTube:

        “When the mahout gave a piece of pumpkin to both Pyi Mai and Chaba, they received an equal share. However, Chaba, being younger than Pyi Mai, ate more slowly than her sister. When Pyi Mai finished her piece of pumpkin, she still wanted more. She approached Chaba and asked her for a remaining piece. At first, it seemed like Chaba was not willing to share, as she tried to avoid Pyi Mai’s trunk and even kicked a piece of pumpkin away to keep it for herself. However, when Khamun walked over to observe the situation, Chaba finally surrendered and shared the remaining piece of pumpkin with her sister. This heartwarming scene illustrates the elephants’ generosity in giving and sharing with each other.”

        I couldn’t agree more with that last sentence. Altogether a delight. I love heffalumps. I’m so grateful for

    • kermit October 24, 2023 / 8:34 pm

      If you watch the livestream (or highlights) from, a lot of creatures exhibit this human-like behavior and bickering.

      There’s a bald eagle nest livestream that shows two bald eagles arguing over the placement of sticks in their nest.

      One moves it to one position. When the other one comes back from a flight and sees it has been moved, moves it back. It’s hilarious and endearing.

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