While I’m on vacation, please enjoy this repeat of a top-upvoted post. Keep sending cute links to submissions@cutetropolis.com! — Mike
“Yes, ma’am, chihuahuas emit smoke sometimes, it’s nothing to be worried about… Tech Support, this is Dog… No, sir, those bite marks aren’t permanent, but you should not sit down for at least four hours… Tech Support, this is Dog… Well, I assume there’s something about your leg he finds appealing. Are you wearing plaid pants?”
Via Imgur.
Can he tell me how to turn the volume down on my cubicle neighbors..? It seems to be stuck on 11…
One of the major problems of cubicles! Can you wear ear plugs?
Exactly the belleh laugh I needed today. I’d be lost without Mike and can’t wait for him to be back!
Totally off topic.
Peeps, I would very much appreciate some input from as many as possible.
Last month, I sent in a manuscript for a novel I’ve written (not the River Song one). Yesterday, I received a letter of acceptance and a contract to sign. After reading the contract, I did some research on the company. Austin Macauley is a legitimate publisher, but they are what is referred to as a “hybrid” or “contributory” publisher, where the author pays for a third of the publishing costs, but receives a much higher royalty than traditional publishers. This policy is especially advocated for first time authors.
I very much want to have this story published, and I don’t need to pay everything all at once, but roughly $5700 is what would be my responsibility. That is a rather significant sum, especially during this financially stressful year. I could probably manage that sum over the course of a year, which is fine according to the publisher. I just need to decide if this is what I want to do.
So. Any thoughts?
SCAM! Massive cash outlay; absolutely no guarantee of return.
Do you have a lawyer? Especially one versed in the publishing industry, author’s rights, and intellectual property rights? Because IMO such a lawyer should going through that contract, indeed any publishing contract, with a fine-toothed comb on your behalf before you even consider signing.
If you belong to a writers’ group, that would be a good place to ask as well.
NO! No! No! Don’t do it! Agree with Ricky and Bibi’s Mom!
In addition to the advice offered by Ricky & Bibi’s Mom, have you considered getting an agent to help you get your work published. I know that can be challenging as well.
Legitimate publishers pay you, not the other way around. They provide an advance, and after enough copies have been sold to cover that advance, then you would start receiving royalties.
Actually getting a book published can take awhile too, depending on how many rewrites/edits you have to do, among other things. For one author that I know, it took almost 5 years for her book to be published after it was accepted.
I sense too many red flags. Seems like the publisher has a perfect money making set up for eager, first time and unknown authors, like you. And if there are many glorious positive reviews about them online, I’d be wary.
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I think I’m going to take it.
Duckie, bear in mind that real publishers DON’T ADVERTISE because they are already inundated with manuscripts.
You can find lots of info about publishers and agents here:
Good luck!
Extremely helpful. Thanks.
I forgot to add: if you just want to see your book in print you can self-publish and even get a professional quality cover design made VERY cheaply (I’ve self-pubbed five books). But you have to be realistic about sales, which will be extremely low. As others have said, by far the best route is to find an agent or at least submit to publishers who deal with non-agented writers.
I’m so glad you chimed in, Alice Shortcake! I knew you had experience in the field and would give reliable advice.
Austin Macauley is a particularly slimy outfit. The following thread, to which I made a few contributions, is essential reading for anyone tempted to publish with them:
This was very interesting reading! Learned a lot!
This particular bit of advice from Old Hack strikes me as excellent: https://absolutewrite.com/forums/index.php?threads/austin-macauley-publishers-ltd-formerly-austin-macauley.95685/page-3#post-7176007
More interesting info! Totally unaware of these things as I’ve never tried to publish. Such good advice from people here👍🏼😁. Will def be passing on to a couple of amateur writers I know!
This is priceless! Always gives me a laugh because it’s sooo typical of tech support people. Also wouldn’t mind if this sweet doggo was my computer support. Do you think I can pay him in belly rubs or would I catch heck from HR for harrassment?